Last year some guys from our Frisbee group headed on over to Whitesburg to play the Carrollton Frisbee group. We had a lot of fun, and thought about making it an annual event... And that's what we're trying to do now - get another team to go over there! I put the date on the side of my blog, but it's only penciled in right now - we might choose another date if our team (or the Carrollton team) can't get enough players by then, but I don't think it'll be a problem.
Now realize something... This is a COMPETITIVE game! We play by a lot of the "real" rules (out-of-bounds, timing the thrower, wearing cleats), and the style of play is a lot different - when we normally play, it's do whatever you want to do, scrambled eggs. But when we played Carrollton, there's a lot of need for discipline... We played man-to-man coverage, and advanced zone coverage when we couldn't do man-to-man.
Soooo... That being said, I would like any of you who are interested in playing to let me know! It will be challenging, it takes a little knowledge of the game, and it's very fast-paced with different rules. I'm in charge of organizing the PTC Group, so email me or comment in the comment box under this post if you want to know more about it.
One more thing I'll let you know so you can think about it... There are going to be a lot of "big guys" playing on the Carrollton team, and there's only going to be one team from each group playing, so remember that, but in the years following this one, we're hoping to make it more family-friendly and add a couple teams.
Consider it. Let me know.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Seemingly Random Thoughts on Frisbee... And/or fellowship...
Frisbee is over.
The 2010 season is finally finished.
Oh well, I guess I'll just have to live with it - BUT! Next year's season will be upon us before we even know it! And then there's next year's End Party... And Frisbee 2012... 2013... 2014...
...Before you realize it, the so-called "little kids" will be in HS, the "big kids" will be graduating college, the parents will be grandparents, and so on! All the while this is happening, there is an event that will go on every Friday night through the warm months - the kids will grow old and tell their grandchildren how they caught the last point of the year to give their team the win, or how they remember the day that they met ___ at Frisbee and now they're best buds, or even how the first time they drove, they drove themselves to a game of Frisbee!
If you look deep enough into it, you'll find that Frisbee is just another tool for the objective. You can learn valuable lessons playing Frisbee, or even while talking to the people afterward. You can build great friendships, or catch up on old ones.
What I'm trying to get across is this - "Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away."
~ James 4:14
Have you seen your breath this year when you've walked outside? Do you remember just one of those??
That's you.
Your life on Earth is just about as big as that vapor.
So, what does that have to do with Frisbee?
Well, just this... When anyone looks back on that vapor, will they remember all the brilliant games you had? Will they remember how cool you looked to your friends while you were playing?
Or will they remember if you put Frisbee assecondary tertiary in order that you might put others first?
I like the sport of Frisbee... Anyone can tell you that. I have kept records of my stats through the years (Starting in '07) But I love nothing else than to create, and build existing, relationships with people after the games! I also like to try and get my teammates to not feel bad if they mess up. That's what Frisbee is about!
I'm kind of writing this as I think of things - so please pardon me if it seems random. :) I'll leave you now with the sum of my thoughts..
~If you believe (As you must) that our life is as fleeting as a vapor, and that we must try and salvage all that we can, then you must also believe that when you come TO Frisbee, you're not just coming FOR Frisbee... It's much more than that.
It's always good to put things into perspective.
I'm looking forward to what the next year holds... I have been since I can remember! :)
Frisbee 2011 - I'm ready!
The 2010 season is finally finished.
Oh well, I guess I'll just have to live with it - BUT! Next year's season will be upon us before we even know it! And then there's next year's End Party... And Frisbee 2012... 2013... 2014...
...Before you realize it, the so-called "little kids" will be in HS, the "big kids" will be graduating college, the parents will be grandparents, and so on! All the while this is happening, there is an event that will go on every Friday night through the warm months - the kids will grow old and tell their grandchildren how they caught the last point of the year to give their team the win, or how they remember the day that they met ___ at Frisbee and now they're best buds, or even how the first time they drove, they drove themselves to a game of Frisbee!
If you look deep enough into it, you'll find that Frisbee is just another tool for the objective. You can learn valuable lessons playing Frisbee, or even while talking to the people afterward. You can build great friendships, or catch up on old ones.
What I'm trying to get across is this - "Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away."
~ James 4:14
Have you seen your breath this year when you've walked outside? Do you remember just one of those??
That's you.
Your life on Earth is just about as big as that vapor.
So, what does that have to do with Frisbee?
Well, just this... When anyone looks back on that vapor, will they remember all the brilliant games you had? Will they remember how cool you looked to your friends while you were playing?
Or will they remember if you put Frisbee as
I like the sport of Frisbee... Anyone can tell you that. I have kept records of my stats through the years (Starting in '07) But I love nothing else than to create, and build existing, relationships with people after the games! I also like to try and get my teammates to not feel bad if they mess up. That's what Frisbee is about!
I'm kind of writing this as I think of things - so please pardon me if it seems random. :) I'll leave you now with the sum of my thoughts..
~If you believe (As you must) that our life is as fleeting as a vapor, and that we must try and salvage all that we can, then you must also believe that when you come TO Frisbee, you're not just coming FOR Frisbee... It's much more than that.
It's always good to put things into perspective.
I'm looking forward to what the next year holds... I have been since I can remember! :)
Frisbee 2011 - I'm ready!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Frisbee Tip - October
Well, the end is almost here! Up in Illinois, the end is today! Down here though, our end is next week.
So with that in mind, I'll give you a tip now instead of later like I normally do. :)
Don't throw the Frisbee from an unusual stance! :)
This one is almost a no-brainer... But I've found myself breaking this one a lot because I think I have a good shot that I could miss.
This scenario happens whenever someone catches the Frisbee on a dive, or if they trip, or just trying to stop running! In GA, I've probably thrown about 4 passes from my knees - 1 was blocked, 2 were thrown into the ground, and only 1 made it where I wanted it to go. Usually it pays off to take the extra time to get up off the ground and stand up to make a throw. Unless you only have 3 seconds left on the clock...
But I've even broken this rule when I'm not on the ground! *Explanation coming up* One time we played when it was wet and slippery out... And I caught the Frisbee on a short throw as I was running across the field, so far so good, but then I saw someone open downfield and decided to take my shot - before setting myself into a stable position! Well, I threw the Frisbee... And I didn't even get to see where it went! The force of the bomb had thrown me to the ground - something that the rain had something to do with - and consequently into a puddle! :) I was uncomfortable all the way to the end of the game, plus something could very well have happened to me - Like a twisted ankle or whiplash from hitting the ground.
So there you have it... Make sure you're in a good position to throw the Frisbee before you do throw it! And whatever you do - DON'T HURT YOURSELF!
So with that in mind, I'll give you a tip now instead of later like I normally do. :)
Don't throw the Frisbee from an unusual stance! :)
This one is almost a no-brainer... But I've found myself breaking this one a lot because I think I have a good shot that I could miss.
This scenario happens whenever someone catches the Frisbee on a dive, or if they trip, or just trying to stop running! In GA, I've probably thrown about 4 passes from my knees - 1 was blocked, 2 were thrown into the ground, and only 1 made it where I wanted it to go. Usually it pays off to take the extra time to get up off the ground and stand up to make a throw. Unless you only have 3 seconds left on the clock...
But I've even broken this rule when I'm not on the ground! *Explanation coming up* One time we played when it was wet and slippery out... And I caught the Frisbee on a short throw as I was running across the field, so far so good, but then I saw someone open downfield and decided to take my shot - before setting myself into a stable position! Well, I threw the Frisbee... And I didn't even get to see where it went! The force of the bomb had thrown me to the ground - something that the rain had something to do with - and consequently into a puddle! :) I was uncomfortable all the way to the end of the game, plus something could very well have happened to me - Like a twisted ankle or whiplash from hitting the ground.
So there you have it... Make sure you're in a good position to throw the Frisbee before you do throw it! And whatever you do - DON'T HURT YOURSELF!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Me, a COW?!
Well now, I got up, showered, and went to work today at 6:30 am and when I got there I rode with Mrs. Linn over to an elementary school and then got into the "Cow Costume" and walked around! :) I think a lot of kids had fun! You wouldn't believe how many hugs I got today from all of the kids! I gave out a ton of high-fives and waved at everyone. I also was in a little 1 minute commercial/propaganda/I-can't-find-the-right-word that was played through the the school's video system for "Spirit Night" at the school on Saturday! :)
I don't know how many of you have been in costumes before, but it gets really hot inside the costume! In about 20 minutes of walking around inside an air-conditioned building, I could feel the sweat just rolling down me! It was stuffy inside that costume! :)
But all-in-all, it was a fun adventure and experience... Plus you get payed "Cow Pay" which is a lot more than normal pay. :D
Just a quick update,
I don't know how many of you have been in costumes before, but it gets really hot inside the costume! In about 20 minutes of walking around inside an air-conditioned building, I could feel the sweat just rolling down me! It was stuffy inside that costume! :)
But all-in-all, it was a fun adventure and experience... Plus you get payed "Cow Pay" which is a lot more than normal pay. :D
Just a quick update,
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Tag... #1
So... I just got "Tagged" by Mrs. Soto! :) I guess that if you own a Blog, you'll get tagged at least once sometime while you're Blogging, right? :)
So... Here are the Qs -
Do you have any special Christmas goodies that you like to make every year?
Not really... The only thing I can think of that I make at least once a year (Around this time of the year) are my White Chocolate Chip Chocolate Cookies! :)
Do you send Christmas cards? Photo? Letter?
Man, I'm too young for that! I think my family has done 1... Maybe 2 Christmas cards with photos.
Do you have a favorite Christmas or birthday gift that you received as a child?
I once got a Football uniform from my Grandparents for one of my "Special Days"! It was complete with cleats, helmet (with a T on it), pants, shirt, and shoulder pads! :) That was fun playing with my Grandpa and dad in the backyard.
What was your favorite subject in school? Is it your favorite to teach?
Ummm... I always liked P.E. :D And yes, I love giving people tips on how to do things (Especially in Frisbee).
Are you a morning person or a night person?
Well now, I think I have more late nights than early mornings! But I do have an alarm clock that wakes me up if I have to get up early. But seriously.... If I could, I would be more of an early-bird person than I am right now.
What is one thing you wish you had more time to do?
Do anything outdoors! Frisbee, Flag Football, mow, play catch, plus I'd like to start reading more often.
What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Definitely Chocolate! But really... I get milkshakes at Chick-fil-A! If you want a good idea (For more money), try a chocolate shake with strawberry or cookies and cream topping in it! :)
Do you make your bed every day?
No. :) I sleep on a cot anyway.
So I think the idea is to keep the tags running through Blogger... Maybe... ? Well, anyways, I guess I'll tag Allison, Allison, and Micah to keep it going.
Wishing I could play catch with a Football right now,
So... Here are the Qs -
Do you have any special Christmas goodies that you like to make every year?
Not really... The only thing I can think of that I make at least once a year (Around this time of the year) are my White Chocolate Chip Chocolate Cookies! :)
Do you send Christmas cards? Photo? Letter?
Man, I'm too young for that! I think my family has done 1... Maybe 2 Christmas cards with photos.
Do you have a favorite Christmas or birthday gift that you received as a child?
I once got a Football uniform from my Grandparents for one of my "Special Days"! It was complete with cleats, helmet (with a T on it), pants, shirt, and shoulder pads! :) That was fun playing with my Grandpa and dad in the backyard.
What was your favorite subject in school? Is it your favorite to teach?
Ummm... I always liked P.E. :D And yes, I love giving people tips on how to do things (Especially in Frisbee).
Are you a morning person or a night person?
Well now, I think I have more late nights than early mornings! But I do have an alarm clock that wakes me up if I have to get up early. But seriously.... If I could, I would be more of an early-bird person than I am right now.
What is one thing you wish you had more time to do?
Do anything outdoors! Frisbee, Flag Football, mow, play catch, plus I'd like to start reading more often.
What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Definitely Chocolate! But really... I get milkshakes at Chick-fil-A! If you want a good idea (For more money), try a chocolate shake with strawberry or cookies and cream topping in it! :)
Do you make your bed every day?
No. :) I sleep on a cot anyway.
So I think the idea is to keep the tags running through Blogger... Maybe... ? Well, anyways, I guess I'll tag Allison, Allison, and Micah to keep it going.
Wishing I could play catch with a Football right now,
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
The End is Near!
Wow! The regular Friday Frisbee season is coming to a close here in the next few weeks!
As you probably know, the party for the end of Frisbee is going to be on the 29th of October. It'll be a really fun day! We already have 21 people who've RSVPed! So you should hurry up and RSVP by the 26th, or get one of your family members to! :)
As for Frisbee news... I bought some GLOW-STICKS at the $ store. :) Hopefully that will raise people's awareness of their surroundings when we play in the dark. But yep... We can use those if it gets too dark out. (Which it probably will :)
As for other news... We probably won't have to worry about the GRASS being too tall, seeing as this is the time when the grass stops growing. :) And then there's the COLD weather! Hopefully it won't be too bad here in the next couple of weeks... Over at it says that it'll be 83* for next Friday. Not too bad!
And if it does get cooler on us, (...Frisbee tip coming up...) you can put on long-sleeved T-shirts! I say that because sweaters and sweatshirts are generally too heavy and they always make you too hot. I wear long-sleeved T-shirts when it gets cold out because they keep you warmer from the wind/cold/rain - plus they are lightweight and you can wear them under a regular T-shirt. (Plus they look cool when you wear them like that! ;)
So. I'd love to see you at Frisbee... Especially the last one!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Frisbee Tip - Aug/Sept
Well, I figured out that I'm getting really busy, and I can't think of good tips to give anyone... Friday Frisbee is a family-friendly sport where everyone is supposed to have fun however they want! But these tips are for you who want to improve your game.
That said, I want to say something else! 2 weeks ago, I had two girls on my team, who weren't older than 13, (something that doesn't happen in Il anymore, sadly) that were doing a REALLY GOOD job of moving the Frisbee up the middle of the field! I think it surprised us "Teenage" boys more than anyone else! :) But yeah, they both had great games... catching, making good throws, and even blocking!
So that brings me to a tip to use in Frisbee... I guess it applies to everyone, but more so in GA since we haven't split yet.
Let everyone touch the Frisbee! Maybe they'll have good games... you never know!
Take my last paragraph as an example. In a normal game, those girls wouldn't have touched the Frisbee maybe but 3 times... Not a lot... But! I think that given the chance, anyone can have a good game, and we used that to our advantage - we won the game by 1 point. I don't think we would have won if we had just gone with us guys playing the game.
If you like to be competitive when you play, you can still use this tip... Do it in the beginning of the game to see who's at their best performance that week, and then, during the middle and end where it counts, give the Frisbee to the ones who are "proving" themselves as being up to the challenge.
Those girls were up to the challenge and they won the game!
PS... I kinda like to use the phrase "Monster" game, but that phrase just doesn't fit with girls... Maybe "'Monsterette"? ;)
That said, I want to say something else! 2 weeks ago, I had two girls on my team, who weren't older than 13, (something that doesn't happen in Il anymore, sadly) that were doing a REALLY GOOD job of moving the Frisbee up the middle of the field! I think it surprised us "Teenage" boys more than anyone else! :) But yeah, they both had great games... catching, making good throws, and even blocking!
So that brings me to a tip to use in Frisbee... I guess it applies to everyone, but more so in GA since we haven't split yet.
Let everyone touch the Frisbee! Maybe they'll have good games... you never know!
Take my last paragraph as an example. In a normal game, those girls wouldn't have touched the Frisbee maybe but 3 times... Not a lot... But! I think that given the chance, anyone can have a good game, and we used that to our advantage - we won the game by 1 point. I don't think we would have won if we had just gone with us guys playing the game.
If you like to be competitive when you play, you can still use this tip... Do it in the beginning of the game to see who's at their best performance that week, and then, during the middle and end where it counts, give the Frisbee to the ones who are "proving" themselves as being up to the challenge.
Those girls were up to the challenge and they won the game!
PS... I kinda like to use the phrase "Monster" game, but that phrase just doesn't fit with girls... Maybe "'Monsterette"? ;)
Monday, September 27, 2010
All FCC Videos
You can click on the link above to go to the website that Gene put up, and it has all of the FCC videos on it! :) I just gave you the top three... there were a total of 7. So you can watch those if you want to.
You can click on the link above to go to the website that Gene put up, and it has all of the FCC videos on it! :) I just gave you the top three... there were a total of 7. So you can watch those if you want to.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Winner of the FCC!
We have a winning video for the FCC (Frisbee Commercial Contest)! :) Gene H. won the Grand prize - an orange Discraft Frisbee! Congrats, Gene!
And so I'll put the top 3 videos on here for your enjoyment. :) By the way, it was a really close race between the top videos - with Samuel M. taking the 2nd and 3rd places. Great job Samuel!
And thanks to the judges - Andy Ro. Dan Ro. Adam, Andy Re. and Roger - for taking the time to watch and judge the videos.
And so I'll put the top 3 videos on here for your enjoyment. :) By the way, it was a really close race between the top videos - with Samuel M. taking the 2nd and 3rd places. Great job Samuel!
And thanks to the judges - Andy Ro. Dan Ro. Adam, Andy Re. and Roger - for taking the time to watch and judge the videos.
Monday, August 30, 2010
A Lesson
Well, I haven't posted in a while, and I don't know what to post, so I'll just put a quote from my Bible curriculum on here.
"Timothy, a deacon of Mauritania, and Maura his wife, had not been married three weeks, when they were separated from each other by the persecution. Timothy was carried before Arrianus, the governor of Thebais, who did all in his power to induce him to embrace the pagan superstition. Perceiving his endeavors vain, and knowing that Timothy had the keeping of the Scriptures, the governor commanded him to deliver them up, that they might be burnt: to which Timothy answered, 'Had I children, I would sooner deliver them up to be sacrificed, than part with the Word of God.' The governor, incensed at this reply, ordered his eyes to be put out with hot irons, saying, 'The books shall at least be useless to you, for you shall not see to read them.' He endured the punishment with such patience, that the governor was the more exasperated, and ordered him to be hung up by the feet, with a weight tied about his neck, and a gag in his mouth. This treatment he bore with the greatest courage, when some person acquainted the governor that he had been but newly married to a wife of whom he was extremely fond. Arrianus accordingly ordered Maura to be sent for, and promised a handsome reward, with the life of her husband, if she would prevail upon him to sacrifice to the idols. Maura, wavering in her faith, and impelled by affection for her husband, undertook the impious affair. When conducted to him, she assailed his constancy with all the language of affection. when the gag was taken out of his mouth, he blamed her mistaken love, and declared his resolution of dying for the faith. Maura repeated her importunities, till her husband reproved her so strongly, that she returned to his way of thinking. The governor ordered her to be tortured, which was executed with great severity; and after this Timothy and Maura were crucified near each other, AD 304"
~John Fox
Wow... What a powerful testament to what we can endure if God gives us the strength! How many of us would do the same thing Timothy did when he was put through all that? I hope that all of us would! Stories like this one give me strength to go on, fighting all the way to the end!
"Timothy, a deacon of Mauritania, and Maura his wife, had not been married three weeks, when they were separated from each other by the persecution. Timothy was carried before Arrianus, the governor of Thebais, who did all in his power to induce him to embrace the pagan superstition. Perceiving his endeavors vain, and knowing that Timothy had the keeping of the Scriptures, the governor commanded him to deliver them up, that they might be burnt: to which Timothy answered, 'Had I children, I would sooner deliver them up to be sacrificed, than part with the Word of God.' The governor, incensed at this reply, ordered his eyes to be put out with hot irons, saying, 'The books shall at least be useless to you, for you shall not see to read them.' He endured the punishment with such patience, that the governor was the more exasperated, and ordered him to be hung up by the feet, with a weight tied about his neck, and a gag in his mouth. This treatment he bore with the greatest courage, when some person acquainted the governor that he had been but newly married to a wife of whom he was extremely fond. Arrianus accordingly ordered Maura to be sent for, and promised a handsome reward, with the life of her husband, if she would prevail upon him to sacrifice to the idols. Maura, wavering in her faith, and impelled by affection for her husband, undertook the impious affair. When conducted to him, she assailed his constancy with all the language of affection. when the gag was taken out of his mouth, he blamed her mistaken love, and declared his resolution of dying for the faith. Maura repeated her importunities, till her husband reproved her so strongly, that she returned to his way of thinking. The governor ordered her to be tortured, which was executed with great severity; and after this Timothy and Maura were crucified near each other, AD 304"
~John Fox
Wow... What a powerful testament to what we can endure if God gives us the strength! How many of us would do the same thing Timothy did when he was put through all that? I hope that all of us would! Stories like this one give me strength to go on, fighting all the way to the end!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Well, I decided I'd take the time to put a couple pictures on here. :) A couple of the exciting things that have happened recently are - 1. I got a cool haircut (it doesn't happen often to me. ;) and 2. I started working at Chick-fil-A! :) So here's a pic for each of those 2 things -
Me and my new haircut... I like it because it's short and professional looking. It's also easy to take care of. :)
And here is a picture of me in my Chick-fil-A uniform... :) I'm working the front-counter right now, but I'm not sure how long I'll be working that part of the restaurant. I think I'll be working "boards" (the kitchen) sometime in the future.
So that's that! :) Btw, I really like working at CFA! The people there are really nice and kind, plus the customers have been understanding. :) Which is really nice when you're the new guy!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Frisbeeman? ...Frisbeeman?!
YES! I'm okay! I haven't died, gotten ill, or gone on vacation... :)
The reason I haven't posted in a while is that the regular school year is here, I joined a new running club, and I'm now employed at Chick-fil-A! :)
So... While I would love to post a lot on here about what I'm doing, I just don't have the time to do it.
I will try to keep up this blog for my good readers (thanks for not going away! I haven't posted since the 21st of July!), and I will also try to get some pics up... I know a picture can tell way more than I can write, so that's what I'll try and do.
Thanks for understanding! I'll definitely post about Frisbee tips, and Frisbee stuff in general, and maybe I'll put in a movie review or two. And then there's always my other nickname - Theologyman. ;)
Whew! Now, in posting this, I've just reminded myself that I will keep posting - maybe once a week, maybe once a fortnight, but I WILL post! :)
Have a good day,
The reason I haven't posted in a while is that the regular school year is here, I joined a new running club, and I'm now employed at Chick-fil-A! :)
So... While I would love to post a lot on here about what I'm doing, I just don't have the time to do it.
I will try to keep up this blog for my good readers (thanks for not going away! I haven't posted since the 21st of July!), and I will also try to get some pics up... I know a picture can tell way more than I can write, so that's what I'll try and do.
Thanks for understanding! I'll definitely post about Frisbee tips, and Frisbee stuff in general, and maybe I'll put in a movie review or two. And then there's always my other nickname - Theologyman. ;)
Whew! Now, in posting this, I've just reminded myself that I will keep posting - maybe once a week, maybe once a fortnight, but I WILL post! :)
Have a good day,
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
July Frisbee Tip
Well... I'm having trouble with Blogger... I can't seem to figure out all this picture sizing detail. :P But here it is! You didn't think I'd forget to give you a tip, right?! But I had to put my thougths into a picture somehow, so I used "Paint" which is a free Windows thing where you can draw stuff.
So that brings me to my tip - Use the Cross Pass! It's amazing how people can get open from other people all because the Frisbee moved! See what I mean -
I don't know if you can see it well or not, but there's the yellow star (which we'll assume is you), black stars (on the opposite team - numbered 1,2,3), and white stars (your teammates - A,B,C). In this figure you can either throw it to C - a terribly hard throw, especially if you want to get it inside the cones... You'd have to worry about 3 blocking you immediately, and if it goes past... There's 2 just waiting to block it. (2 btw, is watching you to see if you're throwing it to B or C... 3's guarding you, 1's watching for A to break up the sidelines and into the end zone or across the field in front of you.) Soooo.... What's the best throw?
You just threw it to A... A didn't hardly have to move, while 1 couldn't get in front fast enough (as he was waiting for A to move somewhere else), so 1 is now guarding A... B & C are still splitting the end-zone, you moved a little closer to A (just in case any of the next throws won't work for some reason), 3 is making sure you don't go back into the end-zone past him - which leaves you open for a potential pass if A can't get it to someone else... 2 then moves into a position similar to the first one - although now that you've moved the field he can't get into as good of a position anywhere.
In this diagram, A should either throw it to B or C for the point! If let's say 2 is guarding C - then As best throw is to B (even if it's a hammer or curve shot). If 2 is guarding B - he should throw it to C as a floater just past him... Not too high as 2 can still come in to block it, but if you put it low, you might risk the chance of 3 coming and knocking it down.
The cross pass makes sure that the defenders see the field differently, and gives you the hope that they don't get into good positions fast enough. If there are more defenders than I put in my diagrams, you have to either work your way up the field (always threatening to go deep) with one or more other players, or try and get in a trick-shot! :) I've done those too many times - and given the defense reason to celebrate after most of those shots... although there is the occasional good shot that you'll get past the other team. It's almost worth the risk to make those shots. :)
Well... That was a long tip, but I wanted to illustrate a scenario I've seen a LOT over the years! Granted, some Frisbee groups play man-to-man, but for Friday Frisbee... This is one play I've seen a lot.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Hey readers of my blog!
Gene and I have come up with a contest! There's no entry fee, but there are prizes! the contest is to advertise Friday Frisbee!
The object of this contest is for the contestants to make a 2min (max) commercial/advertisement for Ultimate Frisbee / Friday Frisbee!
1. You can only enter up to 3 different Frisbee commercials per family. There is no entry fee.
2. The ad can only be up to 2 minutes in length. There is no minimum time for the ad.
3. Please remember that this is a Christian Frisbee group, that doesn't mean that you have to pound Bible verses into your entry, but that you have to keep it clean. Your entry must have nothing in it that would make it questionable to watch.
4. Your entry/entries will be automatically disqualified if any of these rules are violated.
If you are interested in making an ad with people playing Ultimate and don't have the time/people/equipment to film it, email me (Leave a comment with your email if I don't have it already... I'll delete your comment if you want to keep it private) and I'll send out some Friday Frisbee footage to those who enter the competition.
The first 3 places will get to have their commercial put on this blog.
Plus the 1st place winner will win a Wham-O Ultimate Frisbee disc.
We need some volunteer judges to judge the entries... If you're interested in doing that, please reply back and I'll set something up with you. The deadline to apply for a judge's spot will be on August 21st. We will send you an email soon after you reply, with instructions on scoring and everything else you'll need to know. We're hoping to get 5 judges, so HURRY UP and sign up to be a judge!
To be a judge, none of your immediate family can submit an entry to this competition. We would rather not put the temptation in front of the judges to pick one of their family's entries.
The criteria for judging entries will be different depending on the different likes/dislikes of the judges. They may (according to their fancy) choose the most funny, most professional, or whatever they like.
The deadline to submit your commercial will be on Saturday, August 28th at 12:00pm. You can email your submissions to me, give me or Gene a DVD at Frisbee, or otherwise get your ad to me/Gene... We will then make sure that the judges get it.
The places of the contestants will be decided on by Saturday, September 11th at the latest. The top 3 placements will then be put on this Frisbee blog (probably one at a time) for your enjoyment! We will also try to make a website later for the entries that didn't place, so that you can view all of them if you wish.
Gene and I have come up with a contest! There's no entry fee, but there are prizes! the contest is to advertise Friday Frisbee!
The object of this contest is for the contestants to make a 2min (max) commercial/advertisement for Ultimate Frisbee / Friday Frisbee!
1. You can only enter up to 3 different Frisbee commercials per family. There is no entry fee.
2. The ad can only be up to 2 minutes in length. There is no minimum time for the ad.
3. Please remember that this is a Christian Frisbee group, that doesn't mean that you have to pound Bible verses into your entry, but that you have to keep it clean. Your entry must have nothing in it that would make it questionable to watch.
4. Your entry/entries will be automatically disqualified if any of these rules are violated.
If you are interested in making an ad with people playing Ultimate and don't have the time/people/equipment to film it, email me (Leave a comment with your email if I don't have it already... I'll delete your comment if you want to keep it private) and I'll send out some Friday Frisbee footage to those who enter the competition.
The first 3 places will get to have their commercial put on this blog.
Plus the 1st place winner will win a Wham-O Ultimate Frisbee disc.
We need some volunteer judges to judge the entries... If you're interested in doing that, please reply back and I'll set something up with you. The deadline to apply for a judge's spot will be on August 21st. We will send you an email soon after you reply, with instructions on scoring and everything else you'll need to know. We're hoping to get 5 judges, so HURRY UP and sign up to be a judge!
To be a judge, none of your immediate family can submit an entry to this competition. We would rather not put the temptation in front of the judges to pick one of their family's entries.
The criteria for judging entries will be different depending on the different likes/dislikes of the judges. They may (according to their fancy) choose the most funny, most professional, or whatever they like.
The deadline to submit your commercial will be on Saturday, August 28th at 12:00pm. You can email your submissions to me, give me or Gene a DVD at Frisbee, or otherwise get your ad to me/Gene... We will then make sure that the judges get it.
The places of the contestants will be decided on by Saturday, September 11th at the latest. The top 3 placements will then be put on this Frisbee blog (probably one at a time) for your enjoyment! We will also try to make a website later for the entries that didn't place, so that you can view all of them if you wish.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Braves... Etc.
Well, I forgot to take very many pictures over the weekend... I'm fighting a losing battle in that section. :) But I will try to get some of the not-so-exciting pics up that I did take.
Last Wednesday we got to go to a Braves game for Jo's B-day which they played against the Washington Nationals! Well, we'd been to 3 Braves games before and 3 Braves losses - 2 of them being skunks 9-0. :) So we just went to have fun... Well this time the Braves beat the Nats 4-1! :) It was pretty fun too. Dad even caught one of the practice balls that one of the Nats hit for a home-run!
~Here are some pictures from that event~
Some of the Nationals' trainers in the outfield for pratice - I thought they looked funny just sitting there with their bats.
One of the Nationals' outfielders... He did well, and caught a couple balls that looked hard to catch.
After that, we took Jo up to Atlanta (again) on Friday to go shopping at one of the malls there (any girl's dream), and after that we stopped and ate dinner and dessert at the Cheesecake Factory... I had a hot-fudge sundae. :) I'm not a big fan of cheesecake, but all the rest of my family said that the cheesecake was really good! But I was the only one in my family (including dad, which was a surprise) who didn't take home a to-go box! :D
Then after all of that... We did several different things for the 3rd of July. :) First Frisbeegirl and Frisbeeman went to the PTC parade and saw several friends there and talked with them for a little bit, then we watched part of the parade, but we couldn't stay long because we had to leave to go to our church's picnic at 11:00. While we were there most of us played Softball for a couple hours until 2:00, while some of the others played Volleyball... I played Softball and it was really fun, that's when I got a burn from being in the sun. :) So after that we went to a party at another family's house, where there was a pool, so they had relays across it with a tournament with different teams competing. I didn't get in the pool, but I got to play some Volleyball and Bags there.
Then we went to a golf course to watch the PTC fireworks, and we played some Ultimate Frisbee there. My team won 14-13. :)
On the 4th we went to another friend's home to watch the Newnan fireworks, and ended up playing Bags and Football there.
So that's the end of that! I'm all tired out now... :P But I had a ton of fun!
I'd love to hear about what you did for this past weekend! Just leave a comment telling everyone how much fun you had and what you did!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
June Frisbee Tip
Well, I don't know how I'm going to think up all these tips, but it's always good to stick with what you first started out to do.
Soooo.... Off the top of my head, I can't think of a single thing to help anybody with! :{ So I guess I'm stuck just helping with one of the ideas of Frisbee.
Have fun!
If you think about it, you don't really remember if you won a ton of games last year, or if you caught the Frisbee a million times... You most likely remember if you had fun though! I've spent a lot of time thinking about how Frisbee is fun to different people, and you can have fun any way you want!
I know people who can only have fun if they're competitive, so we try and be kind of competitive for those kinds of people...
I know some people who have fun just getting to touch the Frisbee a couple times a game, so we throw it to them when we see that they're open....
I know people who have fun hanging out with their friends, so we try and talk with them and make them have a good time...
I know I like all of these things! I like being competitive, throwing/catching/and otherwise getting to touch the Frisbee, and seeing my friends there! That's what makes it fun for me, and what I hope makes it fun for you too!
See if you can think of a couple more ways you have fun playing Frisbee, and then post that in the comment box!
PS... If you have something about Frisbee that you don't understand, or need help with, put a comment on here and I'll either reply to you or make it my next Frisbee Tip!
If you don't want anyone else to see it, make sure you say that in the comment so that I won't publish it.
Soooo.... Off the top of my head, I can't think of a single thing to help anybody with! :{ So I guess I'm stuck just helping with one of the ideas of Frisbee.
Have fun!
If you think about it, you don't really remember if you won a ton of games last year, or if you caught the Frisbee a million times... You most likely remember if you had fun though! I've spent a lot of time thinking about how Frisbee is fun to different people, and you can have fun any way you want!
I know people who can only have fun if they're competitive, so we try and be kind of competitive for those kinds of people...
I know some people who have fun just getting to touch the Frisbee a couple times a game, so we throw it to them when we see that they're open....
I know people who have fun hanging out with their friends, so we try and talk with them and make them have a good time...
I know I like all of these things! I like being competitive, throwing/catching/and otherwise getting to touch the Frisbee, and seeing my friends there! That's what makes it fun for me, and what I hope makes it fun for you too!
See if you can think of a couple more ways you have fun playing Frisbee, and then post that in the comment box!
PS... If you have something about Frisbee that you don't understand, or need help with, put a comment on here and I'll either reply to you or make it my next Frisbee Tip!
If you don't want anyone else to see it, make sure you say that in the comment so that I won't publish it.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Background: Decided!
The grass theme is back by popular demand! :)
I guess I'll just leave it that way, and then you won't have to worry about it changing on you all the time!
I'm thinking of a way to put pics/videos up here with a Frisbee tip (I'm getting late for June!)... It's kind of hard to think of ways you can show poeple stuff like this. Because, well, Frisbee is 90% mental and only 20% physical. (to quote some othersmart guy ballplayer - probably the one who said "when you're coming to my house and you get to the fork in the road, take it!" ;)
So... Off to see if I can find another aspect of Frisbee that I can try and help people with...
I guess I'll just leave it that way, and then you won't have to worry about it changing on you all the time!
I'm thinking of a way to put pics/videos up here with a Frisbee tip (I'm getting late for June!)... It's kind of hard to think of ways you can show poeple stuff like this. Because, well, Frisbee is 90% mental and only 20% physical. (to quote some other
So... Off to see if I can find another aspect of Frisbee that I can try and help people with...
Monday, June 14, 2010
Tools for the Objective
I've been thinking about things lately. Namely, what is everything here for? Why are cars, sports, politics, and all things here for?
I'd like to submit to you that all these physical things are tools. One way Webster defines tool is - Something "that aids in accomplishing a task." Okay. That means (if everything is only a tool) that there's a task that we are using these things for... That also means there's an objective - the end of the task.
Some people I talk to say things like "I want to get a job so that I can get a car." or, "I'm playing sports to build character."
But that just doesn't cut it... They think that the tools they want (cars, character) are the objective, when in reality, they're nothing but more tools.
Now, since we have (and can get more) tools, what's the objective that we should be using these tools for?
We should be using our tools for God's glory!
"Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God" ~ 1 Corinthians 10:31
But sometimes we don't use the tools, that God has given us, for His glory. :(
"For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator..." ~ Romans 1:25a
If we aren't using our tools for God's glory, then we are believing in the lie that our tools are the objective, rather than being something to help reach the true objective.
There are people who believe this lie. They try to let things fill the spot that only God can fill.
So... What are some of the things we want? ...A new car? A light-up Frisbee? To work at Wendy's?
Well, if you look at it, these things are either tools that we can use to bring light into the darkness surrounding us, or we can just go blindly on, believing that these things are here for our enjoyment.
I'd like to submit to you that all these physical things are tools. One way Webster defines tool is - Something "that aids in accomplishing a task." Okay. That means (if everything is only a tool) that there's a task that we are using these things for... That also means there's an objective - the end of the task.
Some people I talk to say things like "I want to get a job so that I can get a car." or, "I'm playing sports to build character."
But that just doesn't cut it... They think that the tools they want (cars, character) are the objective, when in reality, they're nothing but more tools.
Now, since we have (and can get more) tools, what's the objective that we should be using these tools for?
We should be using our tools for God's glory!
"Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God" ~ 1 Corinthians 10:31
But sometimes we don't use the tools, that God has given us, for His glory. :(
"For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator..." ~ Romans 1:25a
If we aren't using our tools for God's glory, then we are believing in the lie that our tools are the objective, rather than being something to help reach the true objective.
There are people who believe this lie. They try to let things fill the spot that only God can fill.
So... What are some of the things we want? ...A new car? A light-up Frisbee? To work at Wendy's?
Well, if you look at it, these things are either tools that we can use to bring light into the darkness surrounding us, or we can just go blindly on, believing that these things are here for our enjoyment.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
How to Watch Movies: Part 2
...Why are films so powerful?
2. Peer Pressure.
How many of your friends do you know who've influenced you to at least consider watching a movie they've recommended? I know of a few of them...
Now, I'm not saying that that is wrong, but that's not the correct reason why we should choose to watch (and be influenced by watching) a movie.
In addition, people go around quoting movies all the time. It almost makes me want to go see something because all my friends are quoting it, regardless if it's a terrible movie.
Do you see (at least a little) how people can influence us to be influenced by bad influences?
But enough said about how powerful films are... We'll look at another question.
Where is God?
One thing I've recently learned at church is that God creates order from chaos. God wants there to be order in His creation, but the ever-watchful enemy wants there to be confusion.
So, in light of that, we can see that there's, almost always, order created out of confusion in almost every movie we watch!
To make a good, edge-of-your-seat movie, one of the first things you learn is that you have to have the main character in a low, chaotic state (mentally and/or physically) sort of at the end of the movie - right before the last battle, or the overthrow of the bad guy, right before the main guy is at the highest point of his life!
So... As you watch movies between now and my next post (which will probably be a while), be aware, towards the end of the movie, of when things get chaotic. And when they do get chaotic, look to see what creates order from that confused state. - I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't God doing that work.
Examples - Night at the Museum, 1&2.
The god who brought order to all the animals/manikins in "Night at the Museum" was (you've probably watched this movie, so remember with me) Akmenrah and his golden tablet! (Also remember the scene [towards the end] where Akmenrah utters some foreign stuff to the tablet and all the things that were outside of the building started to move inside)
And in "Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian", the god who creates order is... Drum roll... Abraham Lincoln! Look at the final, chaotic battle - Honest Abe comes in to send the evil bird-things back into the underworld, and then he leaves some of his wisdom with Larry, to help him finish off the battle and bring back order.
Those were just 2 examples... Hopefully, if you've seen those, you'll see them in a new light!
I hope that you'll watch out for who the god of the movie is.
2. Peer Pressure.
How many of your friends do you know who've influenced you to at least consider watching a movie they've recommended? I know of a few of them...
Now, I'm not saying that that is wrong, but that's not the correct reason why we should choose to watch (and be influenced by watching) a movie.
In addition, people go around quoting movies all the time. It almost makes me want to go see something because all my friends are quoting it, regardless if it's a terrible movie.
Do you see (at least a little) how people can influence us to be influenced by bad influences?
But enough said about how powerful films are... We'll look at another question.
Where is God?
One thing I've recently learned at church is that God creates order from chaos. God wants there to be order in His creation, but the ever-watchful enemy wants there to be confusion.
So, in light of that, we can see that there's, almost always, order created out of confusion in almost every movie we watch!
To make a good, edge-of-your-seat movie, one of the first things you learn is that you have to have the main character in a low, chaotic state (mentally and/or physically) sort of at the end of the movie - right before the last battle, or the overthrow of the bad guy, right before the main guy is at the highest point of his life!
So... As you watch movies between now and my next post (which will probably be a while), be aware, towards the end of the movie, of when things get chaotic. And when they do get chaotic, look to see what creates order from that confused state. - I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't God doing that work.
Examples - Night at the Museum, 1&2.
The god who brought order to all the animals/manikins in "Night at the Museum" was (you've probably watched this movie, so remember with me) Akmenrah and his golden tablet! (Also remember the scene [towards the end] where Akmenrah utters some foreign stuff to the tablet and all the things that were outside of the building started to move inside)
And in "Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian", the god who creates order is... Drum roll... Abraham Lincoln! Look at the final, chaotic battle - Honest Abe comes in to send the evil bird-things back into the underworld, and then he leaves some of his wisdom with Larry, to help him finish off the battle and bring back order.
Those were just 2 examples... Hopefully, if you've seen those, you'll see them in a new light!
I hope that you'll watch out for who the god of the movie is.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Hey followers,
I've been changing the background of my blog, you've probably noticed.
Well, some of them were too weird looking, and some of them just plain didn't match, or were hard to read...
So I found one that I like, but that doesn't mean you like it! So, tell me what you think of this one.
PS. More to come on movies... sometime in the near future.
I've been changing the background of my blog, you've probably noticed.
Well, some of them were too weird looking, and some of them just plain didn't match, or were hard to read...
So I found one that I like, but that doesn't mean you like it! So, tell me what you think of this one.
PS. More to come on movies... sometime in the near future.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
How to Watch Movies: Part 1
Over the last couple of years, I've been learning a lot about movies. I've been listening to tapes of Doug Phillips and the Botkins for a little now, and I've noticed a lot about movies that I didn't understand before. ...So this post is to help you to understand a little more about the movies you watch.
Ok. This is a bigger task than many of you might think... Films control so much of our life. just think of all the trends that movies have set, and all the things you hear people say that are from movies... you get the point - movies are powerful.
And with this thought in mind, let's take a look at the reasons that make films so powerful.
1. The Camera.
you've probably heard that actors aren't supposed to look into the camera while they're acting... Why is this the case? Well, I was thinking about it and the answer hit me!
the camera represents you, the viewer!
We've all seen TV shows where the host/hostess looks into the camera to inform us of something, right? Well, when people look into the camera, it kind of gives us the feeling like we're being told something of importance... That's when they want us to think about what they're saying.
Now in movies, you never see anyone looking into the camera... The whole idea behind that is that they want you (the viewer) to be transported into the surreal world that the director makes... Without noticing it! It takes you into the movie as an onlooker... Not as a participant. As it does this to us, we usually turn our minds off because we forget who we are for the time being. That's why films are so powerful, they can manipulate the way we think by throwing stuff at us in the name of entertainment, all while we aren't thinking.
I don't think that we should allow our minds to be turned off especially when we're watching movies.
"Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true." ~ Acts 17:11
My plea for you is to be like the Bereans... THINK about what you're watching. Examine the Scriptures to see if the messages/themes, in the movies you watch, are God honoring.
I know this is a long post, but there's a lot more... I'm going to be posting more stuff along the way - this is only part 1! :)
Ok. This is a bigger task than many of you might think... Films control so much of our life. just think of all the trends that movies have set, and all the things you hear people say that are from movies... you get the point - movies are powerful.
And with this thought in mind, let's take a look at the reasons that make films so powerful.
1. The Camera.
you've probably heard that actors aren't supposed to look into the camera while they're acting... Why is this the case? Well, I was thinking about it and the answer hit me!
the camera represents you, the viewer!
We've all seen TV shows where the host/hostess looks into the camera to inform us of something, right? Well, when people look into the camera, it kind of gives us the feeling like we're being told something of importance... That's when they want us to think about what they're saying.
Now in movies, you never see anyone looking into the camera... The whole idea behind that is that they want you (the viewer) to be transported into the surreal world that the director makes... Without noticing it! It takes you into the movie as an onlooker... Not as a participant. As it does this to us, we usually turn our minds off because we forget who we are for the time being. That's why films are so powerful, they can manipulate the way we think by throwing stuff at us in the name of entertainment, all while we aren't thinking.
I don't think that we should allow our minds to be turned off especially when we're watching movies.
"Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true." ~ Acts 17:11
My plea for you is to be like the Bereans... THINK about what you're watching. Examine the Scriptures to see if the messages/themes, in the movies you watch, are God honoring.
I know this is a long post, but there's a lot more... I'm going to be posting more stuff along the way - this is only part 1! :)
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Busy, busy, busy!
Well, now! I haven't posted anything for a whole week!
The reason I haven't is because I've been busy! :) ...And I'm going to be really busy this year (from now until this time next year). And the reason I'm really busy is because I'm trying to get all my school done in time to graduate next year. That includes (but is not limited to ;) Algebra, Geometry, Chemistry, and Physics... Not to mention History, P.E., and all that extra stuff.
But yes, you can probably guess that I'll try and post in some of my spare time. :) I really enjoy keeping up this blog. Thanks for reading it.
The reason I haven't is because I've been busy! :) ...And I'm going to be really busy this year (from now until this time next year). And the reason I'm really busy is because I'm trying to get all my school done in time to graduate next year. That includes (but is not limited to ;) Algebra, Geometry, Chemistry, and Physics... Not to mention History, P.E., and all that extra stuff.
But yes, you can probably guess that I'll try and post in some of my spare time. :) I really enjoy keeping up this blog. Thanks for reading it.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
May Frisbee Tip
And Heeeere's another one! :) I almost forgot that I was going to give a tip a month. But I remembered, so here it is!
Give and Go!
Whenever you have the Frisbee, and you throw it, GO! Try and use that time while it's in the air to move around people, trying to get open for the next catch! The nice thing about doing this is that sometimes the person guarding you will look up to where your throw is going... While he does that - Take off running, because you might be needed after your teammate catches it.
There's one catch though... Don't take your eyes off the person catching it. I say this because I've done this soooooooo many times where the person doesn't catch it! Then you need to start running the other way to try and guard your own end-zone.
I'm thinking about putting videos/pictures up here with the tip every month... How would that sound?
Give and Go!
Whenever you have the Frisbee, and you throw it, GO! Try and use that time while it's in the air to move around people, trying to get open for the next catch! The nice thing about doing this is that sometimes the person guarding you will look up to where your throw is going... While he does that - Take off running, because you might be needed after your teammate catches it.
There's one catch though... Don't take your eyes off the person catching it. I say this because I've done this soooooooo many times where the person doesn't catch it! Then you need to start running the other way to try and guard your own end-zone.
I'm thinking about putting videos/pictures up here with the tip every month... How would that sound?
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
HIS Team
I'm making my first real movie. :) Its name is "HIS Team" and its purpose is to glorify God. the whole film (all maybe 15min of it) is about a flag football team organized by a church, and their purpose is to play in their city's flag football league to give God glory through the way they play. :)
It is based on a true story that our pastor (from our church in IL) told us, about his church in WI.
Now, to do work like this, it doesn't only take one man. There are many spots where I need people to help. Thankfully I've gotten help from some people, but if you're interested in helping out, I'd be very grateful. :) If you have a brother/dad who would like to help out, I need a lot of guys who like to play football and don't mind being taped while they're doing it. :)
Plus, just because you aren't a guy doesn't mean that you can't help out making a football movie. If you know a little bit about making movies, or just want to share how I can make things better, that would help me tremendously.
Tell me if you think this is something you want to do. But most of all, pray that it gets done and that it glorifies God.
It is based on a true story that our pastor (from our church in IL) told us, about his church in WI.
Now, to do work like this, it doesn't only take one man. There are many spots where I need people to help. Thankfully I've gotten help from some people, but if you're interested in helping out, I'd be very grateful. :) If you have a brother/dad who would like to help out, I need a lot of guys who like to play football and don't mind being taped while they're doing it. :)
Plus, just because you aren't a guy doesn't mean that you can't help out making a football movie. If you know a little bit about making movies, or just want to share how I can make things better, that would help me tremendously.
Tell me if you think this is something you want to do. But most of all, pray that it gets done and that it glorifies God.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
GHEA (Part 2)
I'm sorry... I was so busy doing other things at the GHEA convention that I forgot to take pictures! :( But yeah, it was a lot of work, physically and mentally for those who volunteered their time.
I calculated that I got 12 hours of sleep in an 87h time period! That's not a lot by the way. :)
But besides not getting a lot of sleep, I gained valuable information about the real game of life and some experience in seeing for myself what it's really like.
I just wanted to put a Bible verse up here that kind of sums up why we work. [btw, thank you if you helped out at the convention!]
"With good will render service, as to the Lord, and not to men, knowing that whatever good thing each one does, this he will receive back from the Lord, whether slave or free." ~ Ephesians 6:7-8
I calculated that I got 12 hours of sleep in an 87h time period! That's not a lot by the way. :)
But besides not getting a lot of sleep, I gained valuable information about the real game of life and some experience in seeing for myself what it's really like.
I just wanted to put a Bible verse up here that kind of sums up why we work. [btw, thank you if you helped out at the convention!]
"With good will render service, as to the Lord, and not to men, knowing that whatever good thing each one does, this he will receive back from the Lord, whether slave or free." ~ Ephesians 6:7-8
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Woohoo! :) Wait... I'm not supposed to be happy that I'm going to get minimal sleep over the weekend. :( Oh, well. But I am happy that I'm going to be able to help out at this year's GHEA convention! :D
It's showtime! They are already setting up the halls that we'll be using -

Welcome to GHEA!

The "pipe and drape" goes up

Marking where the aisles are

Rolling out the carpet

Part of the vendor halls - the yellow things are electrical extension cords... Some of the vendors wanted them
The vendors and volunteers come in tomorrow, and then the crowds will show up on Friday. :) It'll be fun if I can keep my eyes open - lack of sleep catches up to you fast! ;)
PS. I just put up 71% of the total of this blog's pics in one post! Thanks readers for your input! I'll get some more pics up after the convention... And after I get some sleep. ;)
It's showtime! They are already setting up the halls that we'll be using -
Welcome to GHEA!
The "pipe and drape" goes up
Marking where the aisles are
Rolling out the carpet
Part of the vendor halls - the yellow things are electrical extension cords... Some of the vendors wanted them
The vendors and volunteers come in tomorrow, and then the crowds will show up on Friday. :) It'll be fun if I can keep my eyes open - lack of sleep catches up to you fast! ;)
PS. I just put up 71% of the total of this blog's pics in one post! Thanks readers for your input! I'll get some more pics up after the convention... And after I get some sleep. ;)
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Thoughts? (-Questions revised)
I've been talking with some people and we've come to a conclusion. - Something is wrong with the set-up of Frisbee. When we get a lot of people we split into 4 teams and have a tournament... But that takes a lot of playing time, not to say anything of being the last person to pick.
So, tell me what you think is the answer to the solution. (up in IL where we played, they split up into 2 games every week. 1 game was High School and up, and the other game was kids not in HS yet.)
We might try a couple different splits when we get enough people, but let me know your thoughts!
PS. When you reply to this, (as I hope you will!) let me know if you'd like me to put some pics up here that relate to my posts.
So, tell me what you think is the answer to the solution. (up in IL where we played, they split up into 2 games every week. 1 game was High School and up, and the other game was kids not in HS yet.)
We might try a couple different splits when we get enough people, but let me know your thoughts!
PS. When you reply to this, (as I hope you will!) let me know if you'd like me to put some pics up here that relate to my posts.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
If any of you, visitors or not (Wait... do I even get visitors?! ;), have a question about the rules of Frisbee, how our group plays Frisbee, or how to do something (throwing, catching... etc.) or anything else - just put a comment with your question on one of my posts and I'll answer it as fast as I can. :)
If you ask a really good question, I might even answer it in my next tip, or do a whole post on it!
That's what the Frisbee blog is here for. I ramble and tell you about stuff, and you read/comment, like/dislike, and hopefully ask me questions. ;)
If any of you, visitors or not (Wait... do I even get visitors?! ;), have a question about the rules of Frisbee, how our group plays Frisbee, or how to do something (throwing, catching... etc.) or anything else - just put a comment with your question on one of my posts and I'll answer it as fast as I can. :)
If you ask a really good question, I might even answer it in my next tip, or do a whole post on it!
That's what the Frisbee blog is here for. I ramble and tell you about stuff, and you read/comment, like/dislike, and hopefully ask me questions. ;)
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
April Frisbee Tip
Well, April is here and so is Spring! So that means (since it is another month) it's time for a Frisbee tip! :)
Well, I've been thinking that if I have to do one tip a month, I'll run out of ideas before next year!
You see, the problem is that I really like to play Frisbee... And I'm very experienced in it... But I really have trouble explaining things that go on inside my head to other people. :)
But here goes a shot at explaining some of it anyways.
OK. We looked at 2 things already.
1. Throw the Frisbee! -Gametime. (February)
2. Practice with the Frisbee! -Hometime. (March)
And so now we are going to add point three.
3. Prepare for Frisbee! -Post-hometime, Pre-gametime.
:) You might be saying "Hmmm... Jay just can't get off the 'prepare' theme". And, well, you might be right! But I think it's kind of important.
Take for example - Every Friday, I clean the house (same parts at the same time every week), listen to the same music, wear the same shoes, and get to the field the same way. It kind of gives you a feeling that you know what's going to happen next... Frisbee! It gets my adrenaline going just knowing that I'm going to play Frisbee.
This might sound like some physco-babble to you, but even in the pros (Baseball, Football... etc) they have what they call a 'routine' before they play every game. Routines vary from person to person, but if you have one, it should get you into your element like it does to me.
I'm sorry that this one is a longer one, but as I said - I have trouble explaining things.
Well, I've been thinking that if I have to do one tip a month, I'll run out of ideas before next year!
You see, the problem is that I really like to play Frisbee... And I'm very experienced in it... But I really have trouble explaining things that go on inside my head to other people. :)
But here goes a shot at explaining some of it anyways.
OK. We looked at 2 things already.
1. Throw the Frisbee! -Gametime. (February)
2. Practice with the Frisbee! -Hometime. (March)
And so now we are going to add point three.
3. Prepare for Frisbee! -Post-hometime, Pre-gametime.
:) You might be saying "Hmmm... Jay just can't get off the 'prepare' theme". And, well, you might be right! But I think it's kind of important.
Take for example - Every Friday, I clean the house (same parts at the same time every week), listen to the same music, wear the same shoes, and get to the field the same way. It kind of gives you a feeling that you know what's going to happen next... Frisbee! It gets my adrenaline going just knowing that I'm going to play Frisbee.
This might sound like some physco-babble to you, but even in the pros (Baseball, Football... etc) they have what they call a 'routine' before they play every game. Routines vary from person to person, but if you have one, it should get you into your element like it does to me.
I'm sorry that this one is a longer one, but as I said - I have trouble explaining things.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Be Prepared
Well, I've come across something in my studies of the Bible... There's a lot in it about being prepared. You've heard the quote the guy uses in Facing the Giants - the one about the 2 farmers, one being prepared for rain. You probably liked the quote, but have you prepared yourself for anything?
Here are some areas that we can prepare ourselves in.
"On the other hand, discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness; for bodily discipline is only of little profit, but godliness is profitable for all things, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come." ~1 Timothy 4:7b,8
"Those who were rebuilding the wall and those who carried burdens took their load with one hand doing the work and the other holding a weapon. As for the builders, each wore his sword girded at his side as he built, while the trumpeter stood near me." ~Nehemiah 4:17,18
"preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction." ~2 Timothy 4:2
I only did one Bible verse per area (there are many more!), but as you can see, God places importance on His followers being prepared for everything that He sends their way, like a chance to tell someone about God, or a chance to use your body for His glory.
Here are some areas that we can prepare ourselves in.
"On the other hand, discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness; for bodily discipline is only of little profit, but godliness is profitable for all things, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come." ~1 Timothy 4:7b,8
"Those who were rebuilding the wall and those who carried burdens took their load with one hand doing the work and the other holding a weapon. As for the builders, each wore his sword girded at his side as he built, while the trumpeter stood near me." ~Nehemiah 4:17,18
"preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction." ~2 Timothy 4:2
I only did one Bible verse per area (there are many more!), but as you can see, God places importance on His followers being prepared for everything that He sends their way, like a chance to tell someone about God, or a chance to use your body for His glory.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
New Little Thingy
Hey Frisbee guys!
I'm going to put the weekly captains + the official scores of the games in a little "text box" on the side of my blog. It will also let you know at a glance if we're playing next week, or what's going on. :) Let me know if this you helps any.
I'd also like to hear from you if you like the "new look" of my blog.
I'm going to put the weekly captains + the official scores of the games in a little "text box" on the side of my blog. It will also let you know at a glance if we're playing next week, or what's going on. :) Let me know if this you helps any.
I'd also like to hear from you if you like the "new look" of my blog.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
What To Wear...
Hmmmm... I decided I'd do another post on Frisbee before I do one of something else. ;)
That said, I'll share a story and a tip.
When I started playing Frisbee, I always had some sports clothes, some light ones, some dark ones... But there's one problem. We played at night! :) You can probably guess that one time I decided to wear all black... Stealth mode. Well, that game was one of the worst for me! I hardly ever got thrown to (I was a cherry-picker at the time), and when I went to guard people... Well let's just say they couldn't see me so I was always tripping over someone and falling into someone else. :)
Now, there's something to learn from this. Wear at least one light piece of clothing! you might have noticed that I wear white shorts to Frisbee every week. Now you know why I wear them. :)
Frisbeeman Jay
That said, I'll share a story and a tip.
When I started playing Frisbee, I always had some sports clothes, some light ones, some dark ones... But there's one problem. We played at night! :) You can probably guess that one time I decided to wear all black... Stealth mode. Well, that game was one of the worst for me! I hardly ever got thrown to (I was a cherry-picker at the time), and when I went to guard people... Well let's just say they couldn't see me so I was always tripping over someone and falling into someone else. :)
Now, there's something to learn from this. Wear at least one light piece of clothing! you might have noticed that I wear white shorts to Frisbee every week. Now you know why I wear them. :)
Frisbeeman Jay
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Homeschooling: The Vision
Hey guys, I'm sorry. I know this is supposed to be a "Frisbee Blog", but I get carried away easily. :) (that's why I put "Personal ramblings of a Frisbee guy" under the header) Plus it would get too boring if I only put Frisbee stuff up here.
Well, I like to think while I'm taking my shower... Some people sing (I do occasionally), but I like to take my time thinking. Well, in my last shower, I came up with some words describing why we homeschool. You may disagree with them, but this is the brief description I came up with. (btw, I'm not a parent, but I like thinking like one. Plus I'm laying out what I'll believe when I get there. :)
We homeschool to teach our children to learn and observe God's commandments, and to personally know the Lord Jesus Christ on an intimate level, to serve Him in our world through the unique abilities He has given us.
Well, I like to think while I'm taking my shower... Some people sing (I do occasionally), but I like to take my time thinking. Well, in my last shower, I came up with some words describing why we homeschool. You may disagree with them, but this is the brief description I came up with. (btw, I'm not a parent, but I like thinking like one. Plus I'm laying out what I'll believe when I get there. :)
We homeschool to teach our children to learn and observe God's commandments, and to personally know the Lord Jesus Christ on an intimate level, to serve Him in our world through the unique abilities He has given us.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Obamacare, etc.
Well, on Sunday night, the democrats passed a bill that has bothered the American people since they first heard about it. The health care bill (AKA "Obamacare") is the bill I'm talking about.
And as people are watching it become a reality, some people don't know how far socialized health care goes. I probably don't know even half of it either, but here's a couple things that you might want to know about it.
1. Deficit and more taxes.
Think about how much it is going to cost tax-payers to fund everyone who wants healthcare. I heard (look it up for yourself, I might not be right) that it was going to be about $938,000,000,000. Wow. How can our government get away with that much spending?!
2. Waiting.
In countries that have socialized health care (Canada, Cuba...) there have always been complaints about the wating time.
3. Big daddy government.
How can anyone think that the government is the answer to most of our problems? Who started the government takeover of businesses? This is one of the things that the old Southerners of '61 were afraid of... Too much government control. That leads to the question, why does the government have to regulate everything that we do now? Why is the government's hand in our everyday lives? Like hunting - you have to get lisences, tags, go to hunter's saftey courses, and in some states get FOID cards. Plus you pay taxes on everything you buy to go hunting. That's just one example, we now have state tax, federal tax, income tax, property tax, sales tax, motor vehicle tax, and others! Where does the government get off thinking that they have a right to all of our money and freedom? I don't like big governments. And this one's out of control.
So that brings up another question. What can we do about it?
1. Pray.
The Bible says that we should be praying continually. Pray for those in authority over us.
2. Nullify the law. (call your representatives and senators)
there are several states right now who are suing the federal government for putting this overwhelming burden on their states. If they succeed, their states would be exempt from the health care bill. Now you might be asking - "Is this right? What about the verse in the Bible that says we should submit to every human institution, including kings and governors?" Well... This nation is a 'constitutional republic'. The highest law of the land is not the President, not Congress, not the Supreme Court... It is the constitution! I, for one, believe that the constitution didn't make provisions for nationalized health care for a reason.
3. Wait and Hope.
"And never forget that, until the day comes when God will deign reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is contained in these words: Wait and hope!" ~The Count of Monte Cristo.
The passing of the bill might have some people scared of the government, but that's not how we should be acting. The Bible says - "Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." ~ Matthew 10:28
That's my personal rambling for the day.
And as people are watching it become a reality, some people don't know how far socialized health care goes. I probably don't know even half of it either, but here's a couple things that you might want to know about it.
1. Deficit and more taxes.
Think about how much it is going to cost tax-payers to fund everyone who wants healthcare. I heard (look it up for yourself, I might not be right) that it was going to be about $938,000,000,000. Wow. How can our government get away with that much spending?!
2. Waiting.
In countries that have socialized health care (Canada, Cuba...) there have always been complaints about the wating time.
3. Big daddy government.
How can anyone think that the government is the answer to most of our problems? Who started the government takeover of businesses? This is one of the things that the old Southerners of '61 were afraid of... Too much government control. That leads to the question, why does the government have to regulate everything that we do now? Why is the government's hand in our everyday lives? Like hunting - you have to get lisences, tags, go to hunter's saftey courses, and in some states get FOID cards. Plus you pay taxes on everything you buy to go hunting. That's just one example, we now have state tax, federal tax, income tax, property tax, sales tax, motor vehicle tax, and others! Where does the government get off thinking that they have a right to all of our money and freedom? I don't like big governments. And this one's out of control.
So that brings up another question. What can we do about it?
1. Pray.
The Bible says that we should be praying continually. Pray for those in authority over us.
2. Nullify the law. (call your representatives and senators)
there are several states right now who are suing the federal government for putting this overwhelming burden on their states. If they succeed, their states would be exempt from the health care bill. Now you might be asking - "Is this right? What about the verse in the Bible that says we should submit to every human institution, including kings and governors?" Well... This nation is a 'constitutional republic'. The highest law of the land is not the President, not Congress, not the Supreme Court... It is the constitution! I, for one, believe that the constitution didn't make provisions for nationalized health care for a reason.
3. Wait and Hope.
"And never forget that, until the day comes when God will deign reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is contained in these words: Wait and hope!" ~The Count of Monte Cristo.
The passing of the bill might have some people scared of the government, but that's not how we should be acting. The Bible says - "Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." ~ Matthew 10:28
That's my personal rambling for the day.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
It's here! Frisbee 2010
Thanks everyone who came out last Friday... I know that I had a fun time.
If you didn't come last Friday, I hope you can make it soon! We're going to be playing every Friday until April 30th so far... We'll figure out the schedule as we get there.
I'm trying to figure out how to make a calendar on blogger, so if you know how to make one that you can put events on, let me know!
But yes, Frisbee is here. Take a deep breath. :) Fun.
If you didn't come last Friday, I hope you can make it soon! We're going to be playing every Friday until April 30th so far... We'll figure out the schedule as we get there.
I'm trying to figure out how to make a calendar on blogger, so if you know how to make one that you can put events on, let me know!
But yes, Frisbee is here. Take a deep breath. :) Fun.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
The search is on!
Hey guys, if you didn't know already, you know now! I really like looking for good quotes... So, I'll put up a few on here for you guys, but then I'd really like to see you guys comment with some of YOUR favorite quotes. Fair enough? :)
Also, I'll leave the names of the people who said them out so that you can guess them.
Here goes.
1. "What one man can invent, another can discover."
The next two were said by people you wouldn't think said them.
2. "Any people whatever have a right to abolish the existing government and form a new one that suits them better."
3. "Tell them - tell the world that I only loved America."
And the super-long one... I actually like this one the best. :)
4. "It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."
And... Don't guess on this one... I have no clue who said it first.
5. "When a ball dreams, it dreams it's a Frisbee."
So, now it's your turn! Guess the people who said these, and give me your favorite quote.
Also, I'll leave the names of the people who said them out so that you can guess them.
Here goes.
1. "What one man can invent, another can discover."
The next two were said by people you wouldn't think said them.
2. "Any people whatever have a right to abolish the existing government and form a new one that suits them better."
3. "Tell them - tell the world that I only loved America."
And the super-long one... I actually like this one the best. :)
4. "It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."
And... Don't guess on this one... I have no clue who said it first.
5. "When a ball dreams, it dreams it's a Frisbee."
So, now it's your turn! Guess the people who said these, and give me your favorite quote.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Frisbee Trailer
Hey guys. I made this myself this afternoon. :) I like making movies... Here's my first one. Enjoy!
Post a comment and let me know if you liked it.
PS. It seems like it lost a little quality half-way through... I don't know how to fix it on Blogger, so, I guess I'll just have to be content with how it turned out. :)
Post a comment and let me know if you liked it.
PS. It seems like it lost a little quality half-way through... I don't know how to fix it on Blogger, so, I guess I'll just have to be content with how it turned out. :)
Monday, March 8, 2010
March Frisbee Tip
I thought of another tip. And since it's already March, I'll tell you what it is...
Practice, practice, and practice some more. There's a song that goes - "practice makes perfect. I guess if I practice, the better I'll be." And it rings true. You see, when you practice, you get used to the throwing/catching motions that you need to play Frisbee with, plus you expand your different catches and throws. I've practiced so much now that those motions are almost second nature to me. I still drop the Frisbee and make bad throws, but at least I can now tell HOW I messed up... Like what angle I threw the Frisbee at, or where my fingers needed to be to catch that throw I missed. I also mess up less than I used to.
And, if you're like me, it's a really good excuse to get outside and get some fresh air and talk with whoever you're playing catch with.
If you've read this far into my post... GO PLAY CATCH! :)
Frisbeeman Jay
Practice, practice, and practice some more. There's a song that goes - "practice makes perfect. I guess if I practice, the better I'll be." And it rings true. You see, when you practice, you get used to the throwing/catching motions that you need to play Frisbee with, plus you expand your different catches and throws. I've practiced so much now that those motions are almost second nature to me. I still drop the Frisbee and make bad throws, but at least I can now tell HOW I messed up... Like what angle I threw the Frisbee at, or where my fingers needed to be to catch that throw I missed. I also mess up less than I used to.
And, if you're like me, it's a really good excuse to get outside and get some fresh air and talk with whoever you're playing catch with.
If you've read this far into my post... GO PLAY CATCH! :)
Frisbeeman Jay
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Question: Why does everyone like Ultimate Frisbee?
1. There aren't too many sports out there that everyone in your family can play. Everyone can play Frisbee. I've seen moms, dads, children, grandparents, you name it, playing Frisbee.
2. The Frisbee itself is one of the easiest things to throw. I've seen little kids quickly catch on to throwing it straight! It's just easy... Naturally.
3. I think some of it has to do with who you play with. If you're playing competitively and not for fun, people will notice and might even stay away. But if you're out there just for the fun of it, people will also notice that and I think they'll have more fun and come back.
4. Exercise! I need my exercise. :) This is just another excuse to do it.
5. Getting outside with some of your best friends is probably another reason... I really enjoy just sitting/playing/walking outside. Just smelling all that fresh air makes me feel good.
Well, if you like Frisbee for any other reasons, let me know! I might have to make another list. ;)
Now go outside and help yourself to some of God's fresh air. He makes it just for us!
1. There aren't too many sports out there that everyone in your family can play. Everyone can play Frisbee. I've seen moms, dads, children, grandparents, you name it, playing Frisbee.
2. The Frisbee itself is one of the easiest things to throw. I've seen little kids quickly catch on to throwing it straight! It's just easy... Naturally.
3. I think some of it has to do with who you play with. If you're playing competitively and not for fun, people will notice and might even stay away. But if you're out there just for the fun of it, people will also notice that and I think they'll have more fun and come back.
4. Exercise! I need my exercise. :) This is just another excuse to do it.
5. Getting outside with some of your best friends is probably another reason... I really enjoy just sitting/playing/walking outside. Just smelling all that fresh air makes me feel good.
Well, if you like Frisbee for any other reasons, let me know! I might have to make another list. ;)
Now go outside and help yourself to some of God's fresh air. He makes it just for us!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Friday Frisbee

Need I say more? We're going to start playing our regular season on the 19th of March. It's the earliest we've started so... It might be a little cold, and a little dark, but that's OK. Just throw on a sweater. And maybe some pants if shorts will be too cold.
It's always fun to play Frisbee... Especially in the dark! That's the time when we turn the Frisbee-light on! Also, if I haven't told you yet, the school just put in new lights around the field! I think there are 7 of them. Now we won't have to hope that there's a full moon. :)
I hope you can come!
Frisbeeman Jay
Monday, February 22, 2010
Penelope - Just a Fairy Tale?
Well, I guess I'll do my first movie review. :) I didn't know if I'd ever do one, but when you watch a movie like Penelope, you start to see just how mach damage can be done through movies like these. So there you have it. My excuse for doing a movie review.
Now, for the review.

In this movie there are several things that come to mind after watching it. While it was brained out by a someone who knew what they were doing, it also carried some negative things that should be repulsive to us Christians. Mind you, it was very witty, funny, captivating, the plot moved along fast enough, and the timing of several major scenes was just right. But... Does that make it a good movie?
It's about a girl - Penelope - who gets a family curse (from her dad's side nonetheless) which makes her have the nose of a pig, which makes her family fake her death and then keep her shut up inside their house. Her family believes that, according to the curse, she has to marry a blue-blood, and then her piggy-snout will disappear! Well, they set up a system of "weeding out the unlikelies", trying to find a husband who will marry her. Well, to make it short, one guy doesn't see her "ugly" face when see shows everyone, so he sticks around. One of the other main characters does see it and runs away. Well, she decides after that that she wants to go to the outside world and see everything for herself, so she dons the scarf and heads out! Well, after getting drunk, she finds someone who takes her around to several places, and then she ends up passing out, because her mom and dad are chasing her, trying to get her to come back. Well, off comes the scarf and everyone knows her all of a sudden! Well, she was to marry the guy who thinks she's really ugly, but ends up not doing it last-minute. She then goes inside and basically says (I'm paraphrasing) "I don't want to marry him because I like who I am now." Then the curse is magically broken! She actually had the power to break the curse without marrying a blue-blood. Then she goes and finds the other guy who didn't run when she showed him her piggy-face, and ends up maybe marrying him? She kissed him a long time sure, but it wasn't clear if she married him or not. But whatever, she lived happily ever after.
Now, let's look at some of the elements in the movie.
1. Family.
The mom was the overpowering influence. You could see that through the movie. The dad didn't make any decisions in his family, and was never there until you see him say that the curse was all his fault. The mom was controlling to the point of hiring a "yenta", basically a matchmaker and telling the dad what to do and what not to do. She also decided on things that fathers should decide on... But the father wasn't there. It's a bad case of trying to present this messed up family as the norm.
This movie is coming from a worldly worldview, so you shouldn't be surprised if things don't look like the Bible says they ought to.
2. Language, etc.
I don't think that even one of the main characters made it through the movie without uttering an expletive! there were some of them who did it multiple times! God's name was taken in vain several times, usually right before something very funny, so that you were laughing instead of being appalled that they could do that. Typical Hollywood for you. Then there was the part where she gets drunk. They made it into a funny scene too. there was also a lot of gambling in it, along with some emotional love scenes. Maybe clear-play would take all that stuff out, but then you have to deal with the messages in it too.
3. Salvation.
? Huh? What am I talking about? Where'd I get that?? I'll tell you. What has to happen to reach the "happily-ever-after" stage? Well, God has to work His mighty power in you for that to happen in real life, it's nothing you can do, God does it. Well, there the curse holds the key to happiness and Penelope has the power over the curse to break it. The curse had the power (not God) to make Penelope different and eventually to make her normal, and also to make her happy or not. The witch basically took the place of God in the movie.
4 The Curse.
I have just one question. Would you watch something that has witchcraft in it? I almost left the movie when I saw there was some in it, but God told me to stay. Why? I don't know. Maybe it was to warn you. Maybe it was to teach me of the evil there is out in the world. We have to be careful.
So there you have it. there are a TON of other aesthetic elements in it that are wrong, but that would take too much time to delve into right now. I wouldn't mind if you asked me about them later.
Go watch Fireproof. Just take out the last kissing scene and mute it for some of the music, and you have a good movie to watch. I'll let you decide if you're going to watch Penelope, it does have some lessons that we as Christians can learn from it... If God gives you the wisdom to see through all the muck.
Now, for the review.

In this movie there are several things that come to mind after watching it. While it was brained out by a someone who knew what they were doing, it also carried some negative things that should be repulsive to us Christians. Mind you, it was very witty, funny, captivating, the plot moved along fast enough, and the timing of several major scenes was just right. But... Does that make it a good movie?
It's about a girl - Penelope - who gets a family curse (from her dad's side nonetheless) which makes her have the nose of a pig, which makes her family fake her death and then keep her shut up inside their house. Her family believes that, according to the curse, she has to marry a blue-blood, and then her piggy-snout will disappear! Well, they set up a system of "weeding out the unlikelies", trying to find a husband who will marry her. Well, to make it short, one guy doesn't see her "ugly" face when see shows everyone, so he sticks around. One of the other main characters does see it and runs away. Well, she decides after that that she wants to go to the outside world and see everything for herself, so she dons the scarf and heads out! Well, after getting drunk, she finds someone who takes her around to several places, and then she ends up passing out, because her mom and dad are chasing her, trying to get her to come back. Well, off comes the scarf and everyone knows her all of a sudden! Well, she was to marry the guy who thinks she's really ugly, but ends up not doing it last-minute. She then goes inside and basically says (I'm paraphrasing) "I don't want to marry him because I like who I am now." Then the curse is magically broken! She actually had the power to break the curse without marrying a blue-blood. Then she goes and finds the other guy who didn't run when she showed him her piggy-face, and ends up maybe marrying him? She kissed him a long time sure, but it wasn't clear if she married him or not. But whatever, she lived happily ever after.
Now, let's look at some of the elements in the movie.
1. Family.
The mom was the overpowering influence. You could see that through the movie. The dad didn't make any decisions in his family, and was never there until you see him say that the curse was all his fault. The mom was controlling to the point of hiring a "yenta", basically a matchmaker and telling the dad what to do and what not to do. She also decided on things that fathers should decide on... But the father wasn't there. It's a bad case of trying to present this messed up family as the norm.
This movie is coming from a worldly worldview, so you shouldn't be surprised if things don't look like the Bible says they ought to.
2. Language, etc.
I don't think that even one of the main characters made it through the movie without uttering an expletive! there were some of them who did it multiple times! God's name was taken in vain several times, usually right before something very funny, so that you were laughing instead of being appalled that they could do that. Typical Hollywood for you. Then there was the part where she gets drunk. They made it into a funny scene too. there was also a lot of gambling in it, along with some emotional love scenes. Maybe clear-play would take all that stuff out, but then you have to deal with the messages in it too.
3. Salvation.
? Huh? What am I talking about? Where'd I get that?? I'll tell you. What has to happen to reach the "happily-ever-after" stage? Well, God has to work His mighty power in you for that to happen in real life, it's nothing you can do, God does it. Well, there the curse holds the key to happiness and Penelope has the power over the curse to break it. The curse had the power (not God) to make Penelope different and eventually to make her normal, and also to make her happy or not. The witch basically took the place of God in the movie.
4 The Curse.
I have just one question. Would you watch something that has witchcraft in it? I almost left the movie when I saw there was some in it, but God told me to stay. Why? I don't know. Maybe it was to warn you. Maybe it was to teach me of the evil there is out in the world. We have to be careful.
So there you have it. there are a TON of other aesthetic elements in it that are wrong, but that would take too much time to delve into right now. I wouldn't mind if you asked me about them later.
Go watch Fireproof. Just take out the last kissing scene and mute it for some of the music, and you have a good movie to watch. I'll let you decide if you're going to watch Penelope, it does have some lessons that we as Christians can learn from it... If God gives you the wisdom to see through all the muck.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Wow! It's less than a week since it snowed, and yet I'm the bearer of the news that we're playing Frisbee on Saturday! amazing isn't it?!
Well, it looks like it'll be nice, even though the snow has just recently melted. :) So if you have nothing better to do - come on over and play with us! We'll be playing from 2-4.
Well, it looks like it'll be nice, even though the snow has just recently melted. :) So if you have nothing better to do - come on over and play with us! We'll be playing from 2-4.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Oh man! Boy oh boy!! It SNOWED! :D I almost can't believe that the South got snow!
And when it snows.... You have to at least have ONE snowball fight! :) Boy did I have fun going outside without snowpants. I got a little wet the first time, and I had to wear my wet pants for round 2 also. :) But that didn't bother me. I knocked out a couple players. :) Man I'm smiling a big smile right now. I'm happy! :D I got to see it snow about 3" yesterday. Wish all my friends from Il could enjoy the snow down here. (doesn't that seem backwards?)
And when it snows.... You have to at least have ONE snowball fight! :) Boy did I have fun going outside without snowpants. I got a little wet the first time, and I had to wear my wet pants for round 2 also. :) But that didn't bother me. I knocked out a couple players. :) Man I'm smiling a big smile right now. I'm happy! :D I got to see it snow about 3" yesterday. Wish all my friends from Il could enjoy the snow down here. (doesn't that seem backwards?)
Thursday, February 11, 2010
The Wreath of the Night Owls
My Grandpa *Poppy* and Great-Aunt Betty are here for vacation. And last night.... Or this morning, whichever way you look at it, we stayed up until 2am playing Password. Poppy basically won all of the games... And they only let me be on his team once. :( But that was okay because it was the last one. :)
I always like to "finish strong", keep churning until you get to your goal. Well, we were down by a lot of points, and we came back and scored 6 times in 8 rounds. And that made me think of something.
"Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win." ~1 Cor. 9:24
Now, the moral.
What is a win? Well, when I play my hardest at Frisbee (or anything else) and forget the people around me and I win, have I gained?
I don't think so... A win for me is that I played the game and watched out for others, didn't hurt anyone, didn't curse God in my heart (I know I've been like that before... When I think of all the bad reasons I can when something doesn't go my way or I lose by a large amount), and got the Frisbee to the little people (that's the name I came up with for the people that don't really get the Frisbee, the ones that no one looks to when you need points, I'll save this topic for another post :).
"Everyone who competes in the games exercises self-control in all things They then do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable." ~1 Cor. 9:25
Are you playing to win the perishable wreath that is forgotten after a time? Are you just playing to win another game?
Or are you trying to win the imperishable wreath that lasts forever? The wreath that reminds you that you helped someone. the wreath that tells you that you didn't give up doing what is right, that you gave the "little people" the Frisbee, that you let God take control (we can't do it by ourselves, it's too big a task to go alone).
I hope you're going for the imperishable wreath, not only in sports, but everyday in your home, in your work, in everything that you do.
Frisbeeman Jay
I always like to "finish strong", keep churning until you get to your goal. Well, we were down by a lot of points, and we came back and scored 6 times in 8 rounds. And that made me think of something.
"Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win." ~1 Cor. 9:24
Now, the moral.
What is a win? Well, when I play my hardest at Frisbee (or anything else) and forget the people around me and I win, have I gained?
I don't think so... A win for me is that I played the game and watched out for others, didn't hurt anyone, didn't curse God in my heart (I know I've been like that before... When I think of all the bad reasons I can when something doesn't go my way or I lose by a large amount), and got the Frisbee to the little people (that's the name I came up with for the people that don't really get the Frisbee, the ones that no one looks to when you need points, I'll save this topic for another post :).
"Everyone who competes in the games exercises self-control in all things They then do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable." ~1 Cor. 9:25
Are you playing to win the perishable wreath that is forgotten after a time? Are you just playing to win another game?
Or are you trying to win the imperishable wreath that lasts forever? The wreath that reminds you that you helped someone. the wreath that tells you that you didn't give up doing what is right, that you gave the "little people" the Frisbee, that you let God take control (we can't do it by ourselves, it's too big a task to go alone).
I hope you're going for the imperishable wreath, not only in sports, but everyday in your home, in your work, in everything that you do.
Frisbeeman Jay
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Frisbee Tip of the Month - February
Hey Frisbeers (is that a word?). One of the things I'd like to do on this blog is to put some Frisbee tips up here once a month. You don't have to follow them, or even read them, but I'll just put them up here for whoever wants to improve their game (or improve my knowledge ;).
OK. First tip.
Don't wait a long time to throw the Frisbee. When you hold the Frisbee, it tends to create traffic around you, with no one getting open, and it almost always results in a turnover. If you think you're holding it too long, just throw it to someone who's close to you. It's okay if you miss.
Remember that one of the main reasons we're here is to have fun!
OK. First tip.
Don't wait a long time to throw the Frisbee. When you hold the Frisbee, it tends to create traffic around you, with no one getting open, and it almost always results in a turnover. If you think you're holding it too long, just throw it to someone who's close to you. It's okay if you miss.
Remember that one of the main reasons we're here is to have fun!
Monday, February 8, 2010
New Blog
Hello whoever might be reading this...
I got a blog! :)
I'm still learning the ropes so it might take me a while to find your blog if you have one... Let me know if you do and I'll try to find it. ;)
Frisbeeman Jay
I got a blog! :)
I'm still learning the ropes so it might take me a while to find your blog if you have one... Let me know if you do and I'll try to find it. ;)
Frisbeeman Jay
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