Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Winner of the FCC!

We have a winning video for the FCC (Frisbee Commercial Contest)!  :)   Gene H. won the Grand prize - an orange Discraft Frisbee!  Congrats, Gene!

And so I'll put the top 3 videos on here for your enjoyment.  :)  By the way, it was a really close race between the top videos - with Samuel M. taking the 2nd and 3rd places.  Great job Samuel!

And thanks to the judges - Andy Ro. Dan Ro. Adam, Andy Re. and Roger - for taking the time to watch and judge the videos.



  1. Okay, Thomas and I agree that this *is* the best of the three. Loved 'em all, J!

    Mrs. S & Thomas

  2. Benjamin and I loved watching these! : D


  3. Congrats, Gene. This was fabulous. It was a hard choice, but I voted for this one as first and I think your first place finish was very well deserved. I think the shot that "made it" was the one at 0:29 with "Will turn our world" on the screen. Great effect.

    Andrew Romanowitz

  4. Oh, by the way, Justus, I think you had the best content for any of the videos with Video #7. At least, that one made me laugh the hardest. Since the competition is over, why not get together with some friends and make another commercial, using the same basic message, but with higher-quality cinematography? You would have the benefit of not having to film yourself (and I must say you did a fantastic job with what you had) and it was such a good idea I think it deserves further development.

    Oh, by the way, I saw some shots from our Frisbee group in Illinois in your Video #1. When did you get them? Did you take them yourself?

    Also, how's the "HIS team" film project going?

    Andrew Romanowitz

  5. Thanks! :) I think I'm going to make a couple more commercials for Frisbee... And since you mentioned it, I think I might want to redo that one (It's really poor quality because I made it in a grand total of 20 minutes! Filming+Editing!)

    We got those videos way back in probably '05... I dunno, it's been too long! But I was actually playing and mom was the one taping.

    I just talked with the main character of HIS Team yesterday about when we should film it... It's going to start cooling off sometime soon. Not yet, but soon. :)

