Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Seemingly Random Thoughts on Frisbee... And/or fellowship...

Frisbee is over.

The 2010 season is finally finished.


Oh well, I guess I'll just have to live with it - BUT!  Next year's season will be upon us before we even know it!  And then there's next year's End Party...  And Frisbee 2012...  2013...  2014...

...Before you realize it, the so-called "little kids" will be in HS, the "big kids" will be graduating college, the parents will be grandparents, and so on!  All the while this is happening, there is an event that will go on every Friday night through the warm months - the kids will grow old and tell their grandchildren how they caught the last point of the year to give their team the win, or how they remember the day that they met ___ at Frisbee and now they're best buds, or even how the first time they drove, they drove themselves to a game of Frisbee!

If you look deep enough into it, you'll find that Frisbee is just another tool for the objective.  You can learn valuable lessons playing Frisbee, or even while talking to the people afterward.  You can build great friendships, or catch up on old ones.

What I'm trying to get across is this - "Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away."
~ James 4:14

Have you seen your breath this year when you've walked outside?  Do you remember just one of those??
That's you.
Your life on Earth is just about as big as that vapor.

So, what does that have to do with Frisbee?
Well, just this...  When anyone looks back on that vapor, will they remember all the brilliant games you had?  Will they remember how cool you looked to your friends while you were playing?
Or will they remember if you put Frisbee as secondary tertiary in order that you might put others first?

I like the sport of Frisbee...  Anyone can tell you that.  I have kept records of my stats through the years (Starting in '07) But I love nothing else than to create, and build existing, relationships with people after the games!  I also like to try and get my teammates to not feel bad if they mess up.  That's what Frisbee is about!

I'm kind of writing this as I think of things - so please pardon me if it seems random.  :)  I'll leave you now with the sum of my thoughts..

~If you believe (As you must) that our life is as fleeting as a vapor, and that we must try and salvage all that we can, then you must also believe that when you come TO Frisbee, you're not just coming FOR Frisbee...  It's much more than that.

It's always good to put things into perspective.

I'm looking forward to what the next year holds...  I have been since I can remember!  :)
Frisbee 2011 - I'm ready!


  1. You're dead right there. All time is God's time. Every moment ought to be used productively for the sake of good stewardship.

    Around here we'll be starting broomball pretty soon.

    Did y'all celebrate Reformation Day this year?

    Andy R.

  2. Broomball! :)

    Yep, we went over to another family's home... I guess they have a party every year for those who don't do "Halloween". So we went there and played some Volleyball and capture the flag. :) What did you guys do???


  3. A lot of the people were coming off a bad day since the GA Bulldogs lost to the FL Gators that Saturday. :'(

    JK about the sad part. I'm not THAT big of a fan of dem dawgs! :D


  4. Oh, boy, am I glad you asked that question. We went down to Peoria for a big event being hosted by Providence Church of Peoria (a family-integrated church) on October 23rd and 24th. We went down on Saturday the 24th.

    The keynote speaker was Mr. Kevin Swanson. He gave two messages on Saturday. The first we did not hear, but the second was called "Roots of a Second Great Reformation." It was one of the best messages I have heard.

    Then Pastor James MacDonald of Providence Church gave a message on the life of William Tyndale. I actually knew a bit about the life of Tyndale, but I learned some really interesting things-like how God used the Muslim raiders in Arabia to aid the translation of the New Testament into English.

    No kidding. You see, very few people who knew English and Greek were around, and they all lived in Constantinople. The city being very proud of that fact, the Greek scholars were not allowed to leave Constantinople. Until 1453, when the Muslim hordes took over Constantinople and forced all the Greek Scholars to flee to Europe. As a result, about fifty years later, a Greek/English dictionary was published. This greatly aided Tyndale in his translation work.

    I call that providence.

    Anyway, after that my favorite musician, Charlie Zahm, did a concert for about an hour and a half, and then we had fun, music, and games for the rest of the day-Including a boffer war!!! (Look up Providence Church on Facebook to see pictures. Dan, Cal, and I are in a few of them. Unfortunately there aren't any photos of the boffer war.)

    (By the way, I don't see how could one be gloomy on Reformation Day-even if one did have a big disappointment the previous day? After all, compare the historical importance of the Reformation as contrasted to the historical significance of the Georgia Bulldogs ;).)

    Big anniversary coming up in Kentucky history-Nov. 20th is the Anniversary of Kentucky's Declaration of Secession from the United States in 1861. Hoorah! (I was born in Kentucky, by the way.)

    Deo Vindice!

    Andy R.

  5. That sounds like it's hard. But I like to throw frisbees too.

  6. That's a cool picture, Michael. :)

    We should have tossed a Frisbee around after we played bags at the Super-Conference! ...Well, I guess we were pressed for time... But anytime we meet up, we could toss one around - I always keep at least one Frisbee in our car! ;)


  7. Happy Thanksgiving from the Romanowitzes!!

    Andy for the Romanowitz Family

  8. BTW, A little news for ya-

    A former Vision Forum intern, Nathanial Darnell, is the producer of a new Christian short (apx. 40 minute) film entitled Jimmy Valiant: Scions of Danger. Visit the website at You will love it!

    Andy R.

  9. I saw the website, looks cool! :)

