Well, the 2011 Friday Frisbee season has now come to a close.
It was awesome playing this year. The talent level has gone up more than previous years. :)
I'm looking forward to 2012 and starting this thing up again!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Tomorrow is the final day for our regular Friday Frisbee 2011 season! :)
I'm ready. Are you?
I guess we'll find out real soon.
~Frisbeeman Jay
I'm ready. Are you?
I guess we'll find out real soon.
~Frisbeeman Jay
Friday, September 9, 2011
Well now, I realize that I haven't posted much on here, and I'm sorta sorry... Just sorta. :)
See, I've been so busy lately that I haven't had time to post anything. Well I'll give you an update.
CFA - It's been a rough road, and I'm off to a good start with my new responsibilities. I'm enjoying it as much as ever, and I still LOVE the food! :)
Frisbee - As always, Frisbee remains my #1 sport! I have many ups and downs during the course of one season, and right now I'm down. I recently injured myself as much as I thought possible in one game... But last week marks a new spot for me (COOL WEATHER!!!!!!!!!!). I'm an animal when it comes to Fall games. :) Plus the End Party is just around the corner.
School - I'm almost a HS Graduate. But since I want to get out of college debt-free, I have a lot of time to finish up (if I want to, but I don't). After that, I'm planning on getting my BS in Business Management from Thomas Edison, but going through CollegePlus!... The CollegePlus! representative that we talked to said that I could get my 4-year degree in 2 years WHILE still working at CFA!
And in all of these areas I praise the Lord! He's done so much for me that I can't repay! Opened up so many doors that I didn't even see in the wall! God is awesome!
And that is my update. Hopefully you guys aren't mad at me for not giving out Frisbee tips........ :( Sorry.
See, I've been so busy lately that I haven't had time to post anything. Well I'll give you an update.
CFA - It's been a rough road, and I'm off to a good start with my new responsibilities. I'm enjoying it as much as ever, and I still LOVE the food! :)
Frisbee - As always, Frisbee remains my #1 sport! I have many ups and downs during the course of one season, and right now I'm down. I recently injured myself as much as I thought possible in one game... But last week marks a new spot for me (COOL WEATHER!!!!!!!!!!). I'm an animal when it comes to Fall games. :) Plus the End Party is just around the corner.
School - I'm almost a HS Graduate. But since I want to get out of college debt-free, I have a lot of time to finish up (if I want to, but I don't). After that, I'm planning on getting my BS in Business Management from Thomas Edison, but going through CollegePlus!... The CollegePlus! representative that we talked to said that I could get my 4-year degree in 2 years WHILE still working at CFA!
And in all of these areas I praise the Lord! He's done so much for me that I can't repay! Opened up so many doors that I didn't even see in the wall! God is awesome!
And that is my update. Hopefully you guys aren't mad at me for not giving out Frisbee tips........ :( Sorry.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Well, Blog readers... Most of you know that I work at Chick-fil-A, but some of you don't know that I got promoted to "Boards Team Leader" last Wednesday! :)
With this promotion comes a lot more responsibility, so I'm trying to get used to that fact and also become a better leader and person. I'd appreciate it if you would help me in this "transition" period of my life by lifting me up in your prayers.
PS... Is wealth really worth it? ;)
With this promotion comes a lot more responsibility, so I'm trying to get used to that fact and also become a better leader and person. I'd appreciate it if you would help me in this "transition" period of my life by lifting me up in your prayers.
PS... Is wealth really worth it? ;)
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Frisbee Tip ~ June
Every now and again in the warm summer months, something brings families and smiling children to a certain place at a certain time and they go back home that night feeling refreshed and encouraged by the atmosphere of Friday Frisbee.
OK, OK.... I at least get a B+ for originality, right? ;) Anyways, this post is here to help those people to learn another Frisbee trick, or simply become better.
Tip - Have a plan for attack!
In recent games I've played, we've had a plan of attack (Thanks mostly to Sky's dad :), and there's something about just having a plan that gets people, who otherwise aren't that interested in the game, moving around, involved, and actually motivated to help the team.
Examples -
1. Have a designated 4-man team to work the Frisbee on short passes on either side of the field. 4 people is usually the best combination, because any less and you might be too heavily guarded to stick to the plan - and more than that clogs up the runways. These guys can work it in among themselves and go for a bomb occasionally (generally only if the other team's defense is pushing-up, and you have a guy breaking out behind them), or sneak it out to a teammate in mid-field who then gets it back to one of the open 4-man team. It's amazing how well this scheme works. But a lot of it is mental.
2. Pick a person that is going to be the designated catcher of the point. If you do, everyone knows where they are most of the time and they actually try to move the Frisbee around to attack that spot at the best angle. And you mature (mentally speaking from a Frisbee point of view) when you try to throw to someone who's guarded. It helps you think of how to throw around people, and helps you learn the tendencies of your teammates.
When you have a plan, usually you need a leader to put those plans into action. :) YOU could be the person that suggests a cool battle plan to your team, and then go out with spunk and motivate others to help the team. Even if you're not the "captain" of the team, your leaders should always be open for ideas... And if you talk it out with them, you can claim some of the credit when you win! :)
There are many more examples that I know of, but I want to see what you guys think of! So if you think of a good idea, leave a comment and I'd love to give you feedback (if you want me to), or simply try to implement it in a game and see how it works. :)
OK, OK.... I at least get a B+ for originality, right? ;) Anyways, this post is here to help those people to learn another Frisbee trick, or simply become better.
Tip - Have a plan for attack!
In recent games I've played, we've had a plan of attack (Thanks mostly to Sky's dad :), and there's something about just having a plan that gets people, who otherwise aren't that interested in the game, moving around, involved, and actually motivated to help the team.
Examples -
1. Have a designated 4-man team to work the Frisbee on short passes on either side of the field. 4 people is usually the best combination, because any less and you might be too heavily guarded to stick to the plan - and more than that clogs up the runways. These guys can work it in among themselves and go for a bomb occasionally (generally only if the other team's defense is pushing-up, and you have a guy breaking out behind them), or sneak it out to a teammate in mid-field who then gets it back to one of the open 4-man team. It's amazing how well this scheme works. But a lot of it is mental.
2. Pick a person that is going to be the designated catcher of the point. If you do, everyone knows where they are most of the time and they actually try to move the Frisbee around to attack that spot at the best angle. And you mature (mentally speaking from a Frisbee point of view) when you try to throw to someone who's guarded. It helps you think of how to throw around people, and helps you learn the tendencies of your teammates.
When you have a plan, usually you need a leader to put those plans into action. :) YOU could be the person that suggests a cool battle plan to your team, and then go out with spunk and motivate others to help the team. Even if you're not the "captain" of the team, your leaders should always be open for ideas... And if you talk it out with them, you can claim some of the credit when you win! :)
There are many more examples that I know of, but I want to see what you guys think of! So if you think of a good idea, leave a comment and I'd love to give you feedback (if you want me to), or simply try to implement it in a game and see how it works. :)
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Family, Church, and State.
This post is going to stray from my Frisbee theme a little... And go to the other theme of my Blog - Theology and Philosophy. Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary states one of the definitions of 'Philosophy' as being - "an analysis of the grounds of and concepts expressing fundamental beliefs". So I'm going to try and analyze for you guys the current state of the Family, Church, and State, and also what their Biblical roles should be. So bear with me. :)
The first thing to note is that the Bible clearly defines what the different roles of the different institutions are. When it says that one realm is responsible for X, the other realms are not to assume that X is within their jurisdiction. Although the way it is set up in the Bible - they all hold each other accountable.
~How it should be~
Family - Fundamental. (serving as an original or generating source.) There's no doubt that the family is the fundamental institution behind all of the other realms - without family, there is no Church or State.
(Education) Parents are responsible for teaching their children (Psalm 78:5).
(Inheritance) The men of the family are supposed to provide for their family, even their widowed mothers/grandmothers (1 Tim. 5:3-8), but they're also supposed to lay up an inheritance to give to their children (Deut. 21:15-17 ). The last sentence makes sense because - 1. The young cannot support themselves. 2. The working father is fully capable of supporting his living ancestors, descendants, and himself. 3. the aged and infirm cannot support themselves. So, the man (if he wants his children to provide for him when he is old) must set aside an inheritance for his children.
Andrew Carnegie is an example of the opposite side - he made a lot of money in his time (He sold his steel company to J.P. Morgan in 1901 for $480,000,000! During his retirement, he gave most of his money away to create libraries, help charities, support world peace, and the like. At his death, his last $30M was given to foundations, charities, and to pensioners.). But his philosophy was this - To get all the education you can get, then make all the money you can make, then give all your wealth away to worthwhile causes. As far as I can research, he didn't leave an inheritance to his only daughter, or his grandchildren! He left behind a legacy of squandering the money that God had given him through his hard work.
(tithing) the family should tithe back to God by giving the Church at least 1/10 of what the Lord has blessed them with (Numbers 18:21, Hebrews 7:5).
Church - Spiritual. (of or pertaining to the spirit as the seat of the moral or religious nature.)
(Spiritual responsibility) The leaders of the Church are responsible for watching the souls of their flock (Hebrews 13:17).
(Receiving/distributing tithes) I'll skip over going into detail on this point, since it was discussed somewhat on this Blog in an earlier discussion. But the question is if the Church should be the ones funding places like hospitals, or should individuals/family make that their business?
State - Physical. (of or pertaining to that which is material)
(Punishment of evildoers) The government, made up of kings or governors, is supposed to punish evildoing (1 Peter 2:13-14).
~How it is~
Family -
(Education) The Family has left the education of their children to the State and Church. Churches have age segregated youth groups and Sunday Schools, and the State has government-run public schools.
(Inheritance) Families have taken the inheritance out of the picture. Children aren't looked at as responsible to care of their parents outside of putting them in nursing homes. The fathers have put their money into IRAs and Social Security, because the State has taken over more of the Family's roles.
(Tithing) The Family is now tithing to the State because the State has made it mandatory to give it a portion of your income (part of the State taking over the Church's role). There are surveys out there that state - "Religious observers (those who attend weekly services) give 3.4 percent of income annually, while nonreligious people give only 1.1 percent to 1.4 percent. (The Gallup Organization)" It goes on to say that - "If historically Christian church members had given 10 percent of their income to the Church in 2004, it would have added up to an additional $164 billion."
Church -
(Receiving/distributing tithes) The Church has been limited by the State taking the Church's tithe (by taxation). Our government has started (it hasn't always been this way) taking our money and taxing everything, making it harder financially for families to tithe to the Church... Messing up the whole system, and making our dependence on the State greater. The Church then isn't able to do the things that they should be doing.
State -
(Punishment of evildoers) The State seems to have kept this one pretty well... Until you look at all the laws that we've passed in recent years. The recent legalization of same-sex marriage in some states (a thing to be despised by Christians), for one, and then we have legal murder in the form of aborting unborn babies. :( It's sad. Which brings me to my conclusion...
The State has become centralized. Meaning that it has taken the power of the other institutions... Or they have given their power away! The reason that the State has taken the place of our regular institutions is because every realm has turned from God and have set up their own system against God's standards.
Let's go back to the Bible and study and learn and reclaim the system! It's time to look more in depth at the Biblical principles governing these realms.
This was a kinda long one. :) I had an off day from work at CFA! ;D I hope you enjoyed it, and I'm looking forward to reading the discussions afterwords.
The first thing to note is that the Bible clearly defines what the different roles of the different institutions are. When it says that one realm is responsible for X, the other realms are not to assume that X is within their jurisdiction. Although the way it is set up in the Bible - they all hold each other accountable.
~How it should be~
Family - Fundamental. (serving as an original or generating source.) There's no doubt that the family is the fundamental institution behind all of the other realms - without family, there is no Church or State.
(Education) Parents are responsible for teaching their children (Psalm 78:5).
(Inheritance) The men of the family are supposed to provide for their family, even their widowed mothers/grandmothers (1 Tim. 5:3-8), but they're also supposed to lay up an inheritance to give to their children (Deut. 21:15-17 ). The last sentence makes sense because - 1. The young cannot support themselves. 2. The working father is fully capable of supporting his living ancestors, descendants, and himself. 3. the aged and infirm cannot support themselves. So, the man (if he wants his children to provide for him when he is old) must set aside an inheritance for his children.
Andrew Carnegie is an example of the opposite side - he made a lot of money in his time (He sold his steel company to J.P. Morgan in 1901 for $480,000,000! During his retirement, he gave most of his money away to create libraries, help charities, support world peace, and the like. At his death, his last $30M was given to foundations, charities, and to pensioners.). But his philosophy was this - To get all the education you can get, then make all the money you can make, then give all your wealth away to worthwhile causes. As far as I can research, he didn't leave an inheritance to his only daughter, or his grandchildren! He left behind a legacy of squandering the money that God had given him through his hard work.
(tithing) the family should tithe back to God by giving the Church at least 1/10 of what the Lord has blessed them with (Numbers 18:21, Hebrews 7:5).
Church - Spiritual. (of or pertaining to the spirit as the seat of the moral or religious nature.)
(Spiritual responsibility) The leaders of the Church are responsible for watching the souls of their flock (Hebrews 13:17).
(Receiving/distributing tithes) I'll skip over going into detail on this point, since it was discussed somewhat on this Blog in an earlier discussion. But the question is if the Church should be the ones funding places like hospitals, or should individuals/family make that their business?
State - Physical. (of or pertaining to that which is material)
(Punishment of evildoers) The government, made up of kings or governors, is supposed to punish evildoing (1 Peter 2:13-14).
~How it is~
Family -
(Education) The Family has left the education of their children to the State and Church. Churches have age segregated youth groups and Sunday Schools, and the State has government-run public schools.
(Inheritance) Families have taken the inheritance out of the picture. Children aren't looked at as responsible to care of their parents outside of putting them in nursing homes. The fathers have put their money into IRAs and Social Security, because the State has taken over more of the Family's roles.
(Tithing) The Family is now tithing to the State because the State has made it mandatory to give it a portion of your income (part of the State taking over the Church's role). There are surveys out there that state - "Religious observers (those who attend weekly services) give 3.4 percent of income annually, while nonreligious people give only 1.1 percent to 1.4 percent. (The Gallup Organization)" It goes on to say that - "If historically Christian church members had given 10 percent of their income to the Church in 2004, it would have added up to an additional $164 billion."
Church -
(Receiving/distributing tithes) The Church has been limited by the State taking the Church's tithe (by taxation). Our government has started (it hasn't always been this way) taking our money and taxing everything, making it harder financially for families to tithe to the Church... Messing up the whole system, and making our dependence on the State greater. The Church then isn't able to do the things that they should be doing.
State -
(Punishment of evildoers) The State seems to have kept this one pretty well... Until you look at all the laws that we've passed in recent years. The recent legalization of same-sex marriage in some states (a thing to be despised by Christians), for one, and then we have legal murder in the form of aborting unborn babies. :( It's sad. Which brings me to my conclusion...
The State has become centralized. Meaning that it has taken the power of the other institutions... Or they have given their power away! The reason that the State has taken the place of our regular institutions is because every realm has turned from God and have set up their own system against God's standards.
Let's go back to the Bible and study and learn and reclaim the system! It's time to look more in depth at the Biblical principles governing these realms.
This was a kinda long one. :) I had an off day from work at CFA! ;D I hope you enjoyed it, and I'm looking forward to reading the discussions afterwords.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
PICS! Friday - May 13
I finally moved the pics of Frisbee down to our "Internet" computer from the old one upstairs where my sis had put them... I love hide-and-seek! not.... Anyways, here they are! =)
Friday Frisbee ~ May 13, 2011

Eric gets the bomb-block
Gene-O jumps up for a catch
Danny grabs the Frisbee
Mr. Skills himself! Daniel makes a nice catch
Mr. Skills' dad shows where he got it from
Sic looks past Gene-O
Jay flicks it past Gene-O
Kennie makes a showy grab
Jay snags it in front of Gene-O
Kennie makes another catch in the air
Roger with a jumping pancake-catch
Rocky with a jumping(?) pancake catch
Jay twisting to get around Gene-O
Soooo... Give it up for Mom-O! =) She's getting better at shooting Frisbee.
I just noticed that in the pics I took of people looking to throw it, Gene-O's guarding most of them! He was team captain by the way.... WAY TO GO, GENE-O! Setting the bar higher for us. =)
I hope you liked this little glimpse into the Friday Frisbee world. =)
Monday, May 23, 2011
May Frisbee Tip
So, Frisbee is now in full swing and I haven't posted any tips this year. :( Sorry about that, but I've been busy and haven't really thought about it much.... Until now...
Tip - Experience is very helpful (I know, it's nice of me to say so... right?) in getting the most out of your game. Be committed to learning while you're playing.*
OK... This one needs an explanation. =) I've played 115 games in the past 5 years (I didn't keep track before then), and I've played Ultimate for about 8 years! Thus I can be considered very *experienced* by some people. And In all my experience, I've learned this - that experience goes for nothing unless it is helped along by knowledge and a desire to learn.
I can play a million games and still be a mediocre player. Or I could play only a few games, gain some basic knowledge of the game, learn how to respond when different situations arise, and be a phenomenal player!
Some people enjoy getting out there and just playing with friends... I'm not one of those guys. While I do value friendship and being with my friends more than I like to play Frisbee (Really! No joke. Frisbee is just one of the many tools available to me.), I can't just simply play a game for that reason. I have to be analyzing the field, cutting to where I know I can get the Frisbee, and trying to learn new ways of playing optimally.
Therefore - *Be committed to learning while you're playing... It's really not hard to think through things while you're running around on the field.
(one basic way to start is this: when the other team scores a point, ask yourself this question while you're walking back to your end-zone - "How did they manage to score around my team?" That should lead to a few more questions that are answered in your mind in less than a heartbeat - "Who was guarding X when they caught it?" - "Who was I guarding?" - "Are we as a team guarding specific people, or are we just doing a 'zone' defense?" - "Was the thrower giving signs of where they wanted to throw before they threw it?"...)
Ask yourself some of those ^ if you're committed to making experience count more for you than it does in the next guy.
There's only so much you can learn by simply doing something repetitively.
P.S. The pics are almost ready for me to post them... *Suspense...* =D
Tip - Experience is very helpful (I know, it's nice of me to say so... right?) in getting the most out of your game. Be committed to learning while you're playing.*
OK... This one needs an explanation. =) I've played 115 games in the past 5 years (I didn't keep track before then), and I've played Ultimate for about 8 years! Thus I can be considered very *experienced* by some people. And In all my experience, I've learned this - that experience goes for nothing unless it is helped along by knowledge and a desire to learn.
I can play a million games and still be a mediocre player. Or I could play only a few games, gain some basic knowledge of the game, learn how to respond when different situations arise, and be a phenomenal player!
Some people enjoy getting out there and just playing with friends... I'm not one of those guys. While I do value friendship and being with my friends more than I like to play Frisbee (Really! No joke. Frisbee is just one of the many tools available to me.), I can't just simply play a game for that reason. I have to be analyzing the field, cutting to where I know I can get the Frisbee, and trying to learn new ways of playing optimally.
Therefore - *Be committed to learning while you're playing... It's really not hard to think through things while you're running around on the field.
(one basic way to start is this: when the other team scores a point, ask yourself this question while you're walking back to your end-zone - "How did they manage to score around my team?" That should lead to a few more questions that are answered in your mind in less than a heartbeat - "Who was guarding X when they caught it?" - "Who was I guarding?" - "Are we as a team guarding specific people, or are we just doing a 'zone' defense?" - "Was the thrower giving signs of where they wanted to throw before they threw it?"...)
Ask yourself some of those ^ if you're committed to making experience count more for you than it does in the next guy.
There's only so much you can learn by simply doing something repetitively.
P.S. The pics are almost ready for me to post them... *Suspense...* =D
Saturday, May 14, 2011
So, tonight we had a really good game of Frisbee! :) And mom got some EPIC shots of the game!
I should have them up here next week... :) I'm taking a little rest now. *relax...* =D
See y'all in 2 weeks @Frisbee!
I should have them up here next week... :) I'm taking a little rest now. *relax...* =D
See y'all in 2 weeks @Frisbee!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Friday Frisbee 4/22
OK... So I actually got a few pics of Frisbee finally! :)
~We split up into 2 fields, This one more competitive~
Burd throwing to Rockey
Sky throwing to the end-zone
Mark tossing the Frisbee
~This one less competitive~
Chad Jr. looking to Big Chad
Abby Davis calling the play
Mr. Holmes catching the Frisbee for a score! (It's the best out of the 2 shots I got of points! ;)
This is actually what most of the pics ended up like... But I suffered through the pain of electronics to get the ones you see above. :)
So that's the first in a series of Friday Frisbee events that I hope to capture with our trusty(?) camera. Mom will probably be taking them from now on, since I can't stay away from Frisbee for too long. ;) But I know that'll mean that you'll get some better shots!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Some new things for Frisbee 2011
1. I'm commissioning mom to take at least 200 pictures of Frisbee this year! I'm also planning on sharing some of those with you on here. :)
2. We have better lights under the cones... No more dealing with candles!
3. At our house (after the game) we're planning on playing Presidents each night. (unless all y'all don't want to ;)
Well that's all I could think of for now, but I hope you guys like them. :)
2. We have better lights under the cones... No more dealing with candles!
3. At our house (after the game) we're planning on playing Presidents each night. (unless all y'all don't want to ;)
Well that's all I could think of for now, but I hope you guys like them. :)
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Frisbee 2011!
So, there's this thing that happens every Spring in Georgia.... Friday Frisbee is here! :) !
The Season opener is on the 1st of April, but please don't bring any tricks with you... ;)
I'll start putting Frisbee tips on here again, and I'll have the dates and scores of the games on the side of this Blog.
~Frisbeeman Jay
The Season opener is on the 1st of April, but please don't bring any tricks with you... ;)
I'll start putting Frisbee tips on here again, and I'll have the dates and scores of the games on the side of this Blog.
~Frisbeeman Jay
Friday, February 18, 2011
- Update -
Well (I'm going to start counting how many of my posts start out with "Well..." ;), I've been posting very little, and I've explained why (work, school...). But what do I do in my spare time?
Well, I just finished reading a book that my Grandparents gave me for Christmas. :) I also spend time playing with our two indoor cats... That's why I always have scratches on my arms... :D I watch movies with my family, play games with them, go places with them, and a lot of those good things. :) One MBM truck guy asked me how in the world my parents kept a hold on me (he asked in a good way, he wanted to know because he has a son), and I told him -besides the obvious answer- that they kept me busy doing good things, reading good books, and playing with good friends. :) And that's what I do, pretty much.
I also got out with my sister to play Frisbee today (A good idea since it's mostly good weather around the U.S.), and my operator is going to take me and his son out to eat tonight. :) It's a reward for reading a Proverb a day from mid-August to January. :)
That's pretty much what I do... :)
Well, I just finished reading a book that my Grandparents gave me for Christmas. :) I also spend time playing with our two indoor cats... That's why I always have scratches on my arms... :D I watch movies with my family, play games with them, go places with them, and a lot of those good things. :) One MBM truck guy asked me how in the world my parents kept a hold on me (he asked in a good way, he wanted to know because he has a son), and I told him -besides the obvious answer- that they kept me busy doing good things, reading good books, and playing with good friends. :) And that's what I do, pretty much.
I also got out with my sister to play Frisbee today (A good idea since it's mostly good weather around the U.S.), and my operator is going to take me and his son out to eat tonight. :) It's a reward for reading a Proverb a day from mid-August to January. :)
That's pretty much what I do... :)
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
What If?
I'm (hopefully) going to be posting a few ideas on here that are titled "What If?", and their purpose is to start a discussion (if y'all want to talk) and get some ideas, and start thinking how things are wrong, how we can make them right, ...etc.
So... First What If ~
What if the Church did what the government is doing with the tithes that they're supposed to be getting?
What I mean is this... the government's hand doesn't belong in education, medicine, transportation, and the works (that's where socialized/rationalized health care, extremely inefficient schools, and oppressive taxes come from).
But if they aren't supposed to do it - who is? Are families supposed to do some of this (like education)? Is the Church supposed to take charge of some areas (like hospitals)? And why don't we pay more tithes to the Church instead of being taxed by the government?
It's about time Christians started thinking (that's a starting place at least) about what we're doing as a nation. ...And if the South should rise again!
So... First What If ~
What if the Church did what the government is doing with the tithes that they're supposed to be getting?
What I mean is this... the government's hand doesn't belong in education, medicine, transportation, and the works (that's where socialized/rationalized health care, extremely inefficient schools, and oppressive taxes come from).
But if they aren't supposed to do it - who is? Are families supposed to do some of this (like education)? Is the Church supposed to take charge of some areas (like hospitals)? And why don't we pay more tithes to the Church instead of being taxed by the government?
It's about time Christians started thinking (that's a starting place at least) about what we're doing as a nation. ...And if the South should rise again!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Hey fellow Bloggers! (Or Blog readers...)
I'm now in the business of selling these hot new items!
I'm now in the business of selling these hot new items!
Some friends of mine came up with the idea of taking a toothbrush and making it into a bracelet! We call them Brushlets! :) Simply put, you can pop it on your wrist (don't try and push it over your wrist, they might break if you force them too much) and have a stylish bracelet (...I mean Brushlet. ;).
If you would like some, they're for sale at $3 apiece (+Shipping and handling, when needed), and you can just leave a comment in the comment box, and I'll get back with you.
By the way, they come in 4 different colors - Red, Blue, Green, and Purple. :)
~Frisbeeman Jay
If you would like some, they're for sale at $3 apiece (+Shipping and handling, when needed), and you can just leave a comment in the comment box, and I'll get back with you.
By the way, they come in 4 different colors - Red, Blue, Green, and Purple. :)
Monday, January 3, 2011
A chip in my tooth...
Well, the title says it all!
I recently chipped my tooth when I slipped, fell, and banged my teeth into a Basketball goal that I was helping some friends take to the dump...
I recently chipped my tooth when I slipped, fell, and banged my teeth into a Basketball goal that I was helping some friends take to the dump...
Here are 3 pics...
Before I chipped it.
After I chipped it.
Now - with my tooth nicely capped off by a good dentist. :)
Chipping my tooth... I knew it would happen sooner or later - When you live like I do, things are bound to happen (Like breaking legs, teeth, fingers, etc...) ;)
Thankfully God was gracious to me this time - All the dentists that looked at it said that I came within 1millimeter of exposing the nerves and damaging it beyond repair!
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