Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Woohoo! :) Wait... I'm not supposed to be happy that I'm going to get minimal sleep over the weekend. :( Oh, well. But I am happy that I'm going to be able to help out at this year's GHEA convention! :D

It's showtime! They are already setting up the halls that we'll be using -

Welcome to GHEA!

The "pipe and drape" goes up

Marking where the aisles are

Rolling out the carpet

Part of the vendor halls - the yellow things are electrical extension cords... Some of the vendors wanted them

The vendors and volunteers come in tomorrow, and then the crowds will show up on Friday. :) It'll be fun if I can keep my eyes open - lack of sleep catches up to you fast! ;)


PS. I just put up 71% of the total of this blog's pics in one post! Thanks readers for your input! I'll get some more pics up after the convention... And after I get some sleep. ;)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Thoughts? (-Questions revised)

I've been talking with some people and we've come to a conclusion. - Something is wrong with the set-up of Frisbee. When we get a lot of people we split into 4 teams and have a tournament... But that takes a lot of playing time, not to say anything of being the last person to pick.

So, tell me what you think is the answer to the solution. (up in IL where we played, they split up into 2 games every week. 1 game was High School and up, and the other game was kids not in HS yet.)

We might try a couple different splits when we get enough people, but let me know your thoughts!


PS. When you reply to this, (as I hope you will!) let me know if you'd like me to put some pics up here that relate to my posts.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010



If any of you, visitors or not (Wait... do I even get visitors?! ;), have a question about the rules of Frisbee, how our group plays Frisbee, or how to do something (throwing, catching... etc.) or anything else - just put a comment with your question on one of my posts and I'll answer it as fast as I can. :)

If you ask a really good question, I might even answer it in my next tip, or do a whole post on it!

That's what the Frisbee blog is here for. I ramble and tell you about stuff, and you read/comment, like/dislike, and hopefully ask me questions. ;)


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April Frisbee Tip

Well, April is here and so is Spring! So that means (since it is another month) it's time for a Frisbee tip! :)

Well, I've been thinking that if I have to do one tip a month, I'll run out of ideas before next year!
You see, the problem is that I really like to play Frisbee... And I'm very experienced in it... But I really have trouble explaining things that go on inside my head to other people. :)
But here goes a shot at explaining some of it anyways.

OK. We looked at 2 things already.
1. Throw the Frisbee! -Gametime. (February)
2. Practice with the Frisbee! -Hometime. (March)

And so now we are going to add point three.

3. Prepare for Frisbee! -Post-hometime, Pre-gametime.

:) You might be saying "Hmmm... Jay just can't get off the 'prepare' theme". And, well, you might be right! But I think it's kind of important.

Take for example - Every Friday, I clean the house (same parts at the same time every week), listen to the same music, wear the same shoes, and get to the field the same way. It kind of gives you a feeling that you know what's going to happen next... Frisbee! It gets my adrenaline going just knowing that I'm going to play Frisbee.

This might sound like some physco-babble to you, but even in the pros (Baseball, Football... etc) they have what they call a 'routine' before they play every game. Routines vary from person to person, but if you have one, it should get you into your element like it does to me.


I'm sorry that this one is a longer one, but as I said - I have trouble explaining things.


Monday, April 12, 2010

Be Prepared

Well, I've come across something in my studies of the Bible... There's a lot in it about being prepared. You've heard the quote the guy uses in Facing the Giants - the one about the 2 farmers, one being prepared for rain. You probably liked the quote, but have you prepared yourself for anything?

Here are some areas that we can prepare ourselves in.

"On the other hand, discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness; for bodily discipline is only of little profit, but godliness is profitable for all things, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come." ~1 Timothy 4:7b,8

"Those who were rebuilding the wall and those who carried burdens took their load with one hand doing the work and the other holding a weapon. As for the builders, each wore his sword girded at his side as he built, while the trumpeter stood near me." ~Nehemiah 4:17,18

"preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction." ~2 Timothy 4:2

I only did one Bible verse per area (there are many more!), but as you can see, God places importance on His followers being prepared for everything that He sends their way, like a chance to tell someone about God, or a chance to use your body for His glory.


Saturday, April 3, 2010

New Little Thingy

Hey Frisbee guys!

I'm going to put the weekly captains + the official scores of the games in a little "text box" on the side of my blog. It will also let you know at a glance if we're playing next week, or what's going on. :) Let me know if this you helps any.

I'd also like to hear from you if you like the "new look" of my blog.
