Well... I'm having trouble with Blogger... I can't seem to figure out all this picture sizing detail. :P But here it is! You didn't think I'd forget to give you a tip, right?! But I had to put my thougths into a picture somehow, so I used "Paint" which is a free Windows thing where you can draw stuff.
So that brings me to my tip - Use the Cross Pass! It's amazing how people can get open from other people all because the Frisbee moved! See what I mean -
I don't know if you can see it well or not, but there's the yellow star (which we'll assume is you), black stars (on the opposite team - numbered 1,2,3), and white stars (your teammates - A,B,C). In this figure you can either throw it to C - a terribly hard throw, especially if you want to get it inside the cones... You'd have to worry about 3 blocking you immediately, and if it goes past... There's 2 just waiting to block it. (2 btw, is watching you to see if you're throwing it to B or C... 3's guarding you, 1's watching for A to break up the sidelines and into the end zone or across the field in front of you.) Soooo.... What's the best throw?
You just threw it to A... A didn't hardly have to move, while 1 couldn't get in front fast enough (as he was waiting for A to move somewhere else), so 1 is now guarding A... B & C are still splitting the end-zone, you moved a little closer to A (just in case any of the next throws won't work for some reason), 3 is making sure you don't go back into the end-zone past him - which leaves you open for a potential pass if A can't get it to someone else... 2 then moves into a position similar to the first one - although now that you've moved the field he can't get into as good of a position anywhere.
In this diagram, A should either throw it to B or C for the point! If let's say 2 is guarding C - then As best throw is to B (even if it's a hammer or curve shot). If 2 is guarding B - he should throw it to C as a floater just past him... Not too high as 2 can still come in to block it, but if you put it low, you might risk the chance of 3 coming and knocking it down.
The cross pass makes sure that the defenders see the field differently, and gives you the hope that they don't get into good positions fast enough. If there are more defenders than I put in my diagrams, you have to either work your way up the field (always threatening to go deep) with one or more other players, or try and get in a trick-shot! :) I've done those too many times - and given the defense reason to celebrate after most of those shots... although there is the occasional good shot that you'll get past the other team. It's almost worth the risk to make those shots. :)
Well... That was a long tip, but I wanted to illustrate a scenario I've seen a LOT over the years! Granted, some Frisbee groups play man-to-man, but for Friday Frisbee... This is one play I've seen a lot.