Anyways, I got up one Saturday morning (I worked that day, but later - at 3pm) sometime around 4ish and dad drove the two of us out to a friends place that's out in the woods of Georgia, and I walked through a dark, eerie forest, crossed a stream in my waterproof boots (still in the dark), tramped up a hill, and climbed into a treestand and watched as everything began to take form - trees became distinguishable, birds started flying around - and I waited and waited.... Squirrels would mess up my concentration, there was a flock (?) of crows that were extremely annoying, but around 9am, I saw one - That elusive creature called the Whitetail Deer.
So I picked up my rifle and got it in my scope.... But it was turned and walking away from me and into the woods on the left. another missed opportunity on my part to capitalize on a shot at one. But wait! No sooner had I let go of that one then another and another popped out of the woods to my right! I looked them over at a glance and went for the better shot - which also happened to be the bigger one. The next is history to be told by word of mouth and not written down for the world to see on the internet. :D
Here's the Vic Pic ~
Me with my trusty Marlin and promise of meat in the freezer.